[JT] Class 222 Advanced

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  • @holzroller
    Bei Wikipedia steht, dass es 2010 bei einer Geschwindigkeit von 100 Mph zu einer Entgleisung von zwei Rädern des E Wagons gekommen ist und dass dabei das Gleisbett in einer Länge von 2 Meilen beschädigt wurde. (Der Zug selbst ist aufrecht geblieben und keine weiteren Räder sind entgleist.) Geht man davon aus, dass es nach einer Entgleisung zu einer baldigen Notbremsung kommt, deutet das tatsächlich schon auf einen ziemlich langen Bremsweg hin.

  • @NoFly it is quite possible for a train to derail on plain track (no points, crossing ramps etc) and if it remains upright and the brake pipe is undamaged there will be no emergency brake application. A sensible tfz who realised this was happening would try to bring the train to a halt without an emergency brake application to avoid the possibility of making the derailment much worse. Of course in some circumstances there is no choice. It is also possible for a train to derail and travel quite a long distance on plain track before the driver is aware of what is happening, passengers often have dificulty believing that the train has derailed and can be very slow to raise the alarm.If you have a powerful lok and you are using a lot of power you might not realise straight away that a vehicle has drailed.There have been instances of that here with both passenger and freight trains. Another special incident that comes to mind but is really off topic concerns a sleeper train the West Coast mailine. A class 86 and 10 MK1s at 80 mph ran over some concrete sleepers placed across the track. Every vehicle left the track, jumped over the sleepers and landed back onto the track without de-railing, A lof very frightened people and a big miracle. Sometimes our assumptions of how trains behave in such circustances are very different to reality. I have wintessed several derailments in freight yards and been involved in some, the results were often quite surprising.

    Holzroller in the land of Haggis and Whisky

  • A post from JT on UKTS regarding the brakes on this add-on;

    Info for those asking about the brakes:

    We have conducted tests on the Class 222 Advanced model as regards brake effectiveness and its stopping distance against the specifications quoted in GK/RT0075, the official document which includes calculation tables for stopping distances used in signal placement and have confirmed that as initially supplied the brakes do allow the vehicles to stop within the specified distances, however in the up-coming service pack we have adjusted the braking effectiveness on the model slightly to reflect the fact that the Class 222 is a modern vehicle with sophisticated traction controls and can probably stop at less than the maximum distance allowed and now the train can stop in substantially less than the distances quoted for passenger trains in GK/RT0075. As a note the brake force is limited above 60mph. Once the speed drops below 60 full braking force becomes available.

    No mention of when the service pack will become available

    Holzroller in the land of Haggis and Whisky

  • DTG setzt ihre Veröffentlichung von 3rd party Addons fort:

    Nun auch als "East Midlands BR Class 222 DEMU Add-On" auf Steam erhältlich und kostet 27,45€

    London - Bedford & London - Peterborough wird zum Spielen der Szenarien benötigt

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