Problem mit Bodentexuren Import

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  • Hallo,

    Ich habe die BerlinTrain's BerlinTracks gekauft. Es gibt eine .dds Bodentexturen set und ich will importieren sie in mein Terrain Texture bleuprint.
    Ich habe die .dds Bodentextur in mein Source Folder kopieren und exportieren sie mit Blueprints Editor nach .TgPcPx.

    Erste Zweifel, die TgPcDx sind nur 87 ko (vs 340 ko für die originale .dds) und sie scheinen unvollständig wenn offen ich sie in RWTools.

    Dann erstelle ich ein Terrain Texture blueprint. Ich fülle alle Parameter (Verzeichnis, Wang, etc), ich exportieren die Terrain Texture BP mit the Bluep. Editor und ich aktualiziere mein RouteProperties.xml mit die richtige Terrain Texture xml File.

    Wenn ich lade meine Strecke, ich habe ein schwarz Bildschirm und RW friert. Ich muss RW töten mit die Task Manager.
    Ich weiß nicht, wo liegt das Problem und ich brauche Ihre Hilfe bitte.

    Again I am sorry for my horrible German, I try to write in it because I want to improve my German, tell me if it's understandable. Otherwise I'll rewrite in in English.


    2 Mal editiert, zuletzt von EC 5/25 Corsair ()

  • Hi Corsair,

    1. you are right exporting the dds files in the context of a terrain texture blueprint. Exporting a dds file on its own (without a blueprint using it) may create wrong texture parameters.

    2. a route can only use one and only one texture blueprint. So, if you already used a terrain texture blueprint beforehand, you have to add new entries for the BerlinTracks textures to your old environment texture asset (if you don't have the dds files for all of your "old" textures, you have to add the new ones to the asset texture file)

    If you have already used some terrain texture file with your route (and did some texturing), and now simply replace the old texture file with the new one, the route will crash, because the old textures are missing.

  • Hello nobsi,

    Thanks for your precious inputs.

    I was using the RWA "Strecken Starter set" textures. I recreated a terrain texture BP on my own, filling the previous RWA textures paths, but the BP editor didn't let me do it (illegal characters in path) even when using Force export w/o references.
    I then replaced the RWA textures files with blanks, with the idea of manually filling them later on, with only the BT textures fully set up, thinking I would only see a greyish terrain because of the missing textures.
    Seems I was wrong ! I am very inexperienced in the area and still have a lot to learn.

    I will then manually fill ip the RWA textures path, will test and let you know.
    Thanks again :

  • Okay, thanks to you help I regained access to my route with the RWA ground textures.
    The BT textures now appear in the list but I get a missing texture when I apply it.

    Here is a picture of my xml & folder set up.

    It looks like a conversion problem, since the converted file size is rather small and it seems incomplete when I re convert it to .dds and edit it.

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von EC 5/25 Corsair ()

  • Yup I noticed the typo right after, fixed now.

    The .dds files are provided in the BerlinTracks pack as A8R8G8B8 so it should be correct. Even when I reconvert it, it still gives a 87 ko file. No error message following the conversion process in the BP editor.

  • Hi @EC 5/25 Corsair ,

    i believe you overlooked (or misunderstood) this:

    1. you are right exporting the dds files in the context of a terrain texture blueprint. Exporting a dds file on its own (without a blueprint using it) may create wrong texture parameters.

    I don't think you have created a complete terrain texture blueprint source, so i assume you converted the dds file on it's own, as a dds file. Textures can have many different formats, depending on its intended use - terrain textures using other formats than e.g. loco textures.
    If you converted the dds file on its own, the blueprint editor didn't know your intended use, so it created the wrong format.

    Create at least a small, temporary "terrain texture blueprint" source, and insert the dds files in some texture slots (doesn't matter, in what texture slots, as you are not using this terrain blueprint later on). Then export this terrain texture blueprint (using key F7). This will automatically also convert the dds files to the right texture format, because the blueprint editor now knows the intention to use them as terrain texture.

    Then copy the exported textures where you need them, and discard the other files (terrain texture bin file, *.cost, *.tgt, *.xml)

    Good luck

    here is an sample blueprint editor source XML file for exporting the terrain texture files. Put this to your terrain/texture source folder (railworks/source/your_name/some_foldername/terrain/texture), put the BerlinTrains Schotter_Neu and Schotter_Verwittert dds files into the same folder, and export the 'TerrainTextureExport.xml' with F7-key. After the export, the textures are in your asset ... folder. Move them where you need them.

    To summarize, if you have a terrain texture blueprint and several dds textures in your source folder, the important thing is:
    export the blueprint with F7 ("export", not "export this"). This will also export the dds files referenced by it, in the correct format. Do not convert the dds files on its own, without the terrain blueprint.

  • OK, this is what I intended to do during my first attempts but the BP editor didn't let me so because it was asking for .ace texture, which I struggled to obtain (now I got it), and so does he with your terrain texture template.
    I will convert the .dds to .ace and I'll try.

    Thanks a lot for your patience nobsi !

    EDIT : works properly now. I will apply for my own Terrain Texture BP.

    2 Mal editiert, zuletzt von EC 5/25 Corsair ()

  • I am working with the v2, yes :)
    Don't know why it doesn't like .dds, it keeps calling .ace files when I convert my blueprint and ignores the .dds. Go figure out why lol. But it works great with .ace so I won't mind !

    As the previous route was kinda messed up with all the manipulations, I had to recreate it but there's no problem with it because I expected this kind of problem for the start and did nothing but importing the ASTER DEM files.
    So my freshly created (empty) route works great with the BT textures !

    Thanks again for your help and patience nobsi ! I'm really grateful.