TS 2021 [N051] Einmal 3 NS SNGs zum mitnehmen

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Kommentare 5

  • Der gleiche Fehler kam bei mir auch. Remko Tipp stimmt. Nun geht es.

    • Ok. Das ist dann aber komsich ich versuche es später mal zu beheben

  • What repaint is this?

    ChrisTrains\NS SNG\RailVehicles\Version BWEGT\Version_NS\NS SNG B 2700.bin
    ChrisTrains\NS SNG\RailVehicles\Version BWEGT\Version_NS\NS SNG C1 2700.bin

    It's not original ChrisTrains, nor is it the yellow front patch.

    * EDIT *

    Nevermind. Found it here:
    Mireo Bwegt Baden Würtemberg

    • Uhm okay? I used the yellow front SNG. I don't know why it shows that on your Train Simulator

    • I've gone all over the tracks but can't that train either.

      But use TS-tools on your scenario and you'll see the same.

      Maybe you used it while creating the scenario and swapped it later on where it then didn't get deleted properly?

      Or put that train on the tracks and later on deleted it? I see an empty consist in TS-tools. Maybe that used to be it?

      Anyway, it's in your scenario.bin file.

      So others that don't have that repaint will get an error too on loading the scenario.