Beiträge von Ingvar

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    Hier die News:

    Train Simulator 2013 will launch worldwide on Steam on
    September 20. TS2013 will include fabulous new routes complete with
    locomotives from around the world. As well as new content, new control
    options and navigation in-game provide more flexibility and control for
    players. For the first time, Train Simulator 2013 will boast Microsoft
    Xbox 360® controller compatibility, enabling players to get away from
    their desks and drive in front of their TVs. Players around the world
    will also be able combine efforts to complete scenarios via Relay Play.
    Advances in control options and menus, such as Quick Drive, will make
    the experience more accessible to newcomers while offering enhanced
    gameplay to experienced train simmers. Also for the first time, Steam
    Workshop™ will be fully integrated into Train Simulator 2013, allowing
    users to create and share content with players from all over the world.

    In addition to further-enhanced graphics and performance, Train
    Simulator 2013 features exciting new local content for the UK, US and
    Germany in the form of London to Brighton, Sherman Hill and
    Munich-Augsburg route complete with locomotives. TS2013 will also
    feature updated HUDs, including a minimal HUD with just the bare
    essentials, which can be adjusted to be less intrusive. Significant
    improvements have been made to the 2D task map, which can be viewed
    while driving: players can now skip to each destination along the route
    in order, and back to their train. Players can also highlight
    destinations in the world while driving, a particularly useful feature
    when shunting/switching.

    Train Simulator 2013 Steam Edition: full content and feature list

    Sherman Hill route with new ES44AC, SD70M and SW10

    Munich-Augsburg route with ICE 3M Class 406

    London to Brighton route with Class 377 Electrostar...........


    ein Steuerwagen für die Silberlinge macht herzlich wenig Sinn, weil keine passende Lok dafür verfügbar ist.
    Geplant war dafür die BR218, ist jetzt ersteinmal aus bekannten Gründen von mir auf Eis gelegt.

    Gruss Ulf

    Hi Ulf,

    wie wäre denn dafür die V100 West geeignet?



    Jawoll, Marvin absolute ruler of the universe. *lach*

    Hi fsclips,

    Du kannst Dir tatsächlich den Steam-Ordner überall hinlegen. Es geht sogar mit mehreren Steam-Ordnern unterschiedlichen Inhaltes ( Steam1, Steam2 usw.).

    Du musst dann nur die .exe aus dem jeweiligen Ordner starten.

    Wer mal einen richtig guten Free - Simulator haben möchte, dem lege ich Orbiter ans Herz.(ENGLISH)

    h ttp://

    h ttp://

    Bringt aber viel Zeit fürs englishe Manual mit. *wow*

    Hi Viron,

    bevor Du das Szenario erneut lädts solltest Du das Programm komplett beenden. Das erneute Starten eines Szenarios klappt in den seltensten Fällen. :ugly: