Could someone please help me with how to enable PZB/LZB? I am using the fast startup, which I am afraid could be the problem... but I really hope one does not have to go through the full startup every time you want to drive...
I go to fast startup phase 3, the manual claims that all brake tests etc. should be done by now (except Mirel D1, which I don't need obviously). in the main display I choose the level to be PZB/LZB and then start putting in the "Zugdaten": choose ETCS, enter all data in, then it switches to LZB data, there I do the same, confirm with Wachsam and again with E. But absolutely nothing is happening on the display. I was watching some videos and the guy there get the usual LZB "B" on the display just by choosing the LZB/PZB level, but nothing like this happens to me. The only difference I see that the video was executing the full startup procedure...
After doing the automatically startup i had to switch ETCS on with shift+8, then you should go on with rest.