Hi Chris what typ of Thurbo GTW are you going to build? This or this?
I hope both 2/6 and 2/8.
Hi Chris what typ of Thurbo GTW are you going to build? This or this?
I hope both 2/6 and 2/8.
@ChrisTrains do you change the things at the GTW for the Thurboversion (front, coupling, passengerroom and cab) or do you only make a repaint?
I will change the coupler, the buffers, the paint, the cab, the interior and the power wagon (some Thurbo versions have two pantographs).
For the ODEG version it looks like these would be good destination names:
Berlin Wannsee ***
Potsdam Medienstadt Babelsberg
Beelitz Stadt ***
Treuenbrietzen Süd
Altes Lager
Jüterbog ***
Also - I need to know what the German would be for :
"Extra train"
"Don't board" (meaning, don't get on this train)
"No service"
Thanks !
I have updated the patch on my support page - it now also fixes the broken doors on the Veolia GTW-E - you can install this over the original patch without problems : http://www.christrains.com/support.html
Also : for the door problem - could you calculate the checksum of your installation file - I'd like to make sure you have the correct one (there was a last-minute change before the release).
You can get a simple MD5 checksum calculator here:
Then for the installer, it should be:
File : "ChrisTrains Stadler GTW.exe"
MD5 Checksum : d17c893603ecb6352a0502733ca768c2
@ChrisTrains If i drive with E GTW 2/8 only the middle door open on all stations of SBB1 Route for excample.
I think this is just the Veolia GTW-E? I've seen a report of this on other forums too. I will look at curing this problem for v1.1
Also :
If you are having trouble selecting a route in Quickdrive after selecting a GTW-E, I have put a small patch on my support page to cure the problem: http://www.christrains.com/support.html
@ChrisTrains (ich kann es leider nur auf deutsch) Wenn ich mit dem DMU Metro Rail im Quickdrive losfahre, öffnet sich im Startbahnhof immer nur die hintere Tür und im Cab wird angezeigt dass die Türen geschlossen sind (ich kann dann auch mit offener Tür losfahren) in den folgenden Bahnhöfen funktioniert aber alles normal.
(google translate helped me I think )
Very strange. Which route ? Or do you see this problem on all routes ?
Btw, @ChrisTrains, there is a small sound loop artefact in the DMU passenger view (at least in the metro rail version)
Can you describe it? I listened but it just sounds like the diesel engine ...
Na klar doch. Wird direkt nach der Installation in der schwarzen DOS-Box abgefragt, welche Sprache man will und zack-es öffnet sich das Handbuch.
Ansonsten schau im Manuals-Verzeichnis unter Train-Sim nach.
There should be links to the manuals in your start menu - Start->ChrisTrains (I don't know what the 'start' menu looks like on a German system :))
The Swiss Thurbo Version is not only a repaint, it looks different to the NL Versions
Yes - buffers and coupler are different. But I had to make some big changes in the GTW already for the Texas version, so making changes for Thurbo isn't a problem. IF I can get a license
@Denis Schrader Haste ihn bei Aerosoft gekauft?
EDIT: Ich wär für ein THURBO repaint, dann könnte man den GTW aufm Dreiländereck zwischen Rorschach-St.Margrethen realitätstreu benutzen ^^.
I'm trying to get a license to do the Thurbo version "officially" but no news yet.
Thank you for this nice Train @ChrisTrains ! Just bought it together with the Auckland DMU!
You're welcome
In theory yes. The scripts for the two engine types aren't too different but you might end up driving an ODEG train with a Veolia power car ....
Still finding my way around the forum - I thought I had set it to notify me when a new reply was posted but maybe not.
Ok - hello everyone !
I thought now would be a good time to try to join the forum.
BUT : I speak no German so if you know English, that will help. If not I will be using Google Translate very much