Beiträge von lucikam

    You will not believe... yesterday I accidentally came across some youtube videos on the Wien S-bahn, and I said to myself it would be so cool to have it available for Railworks... and there you go, being built! Amazing work, way to go! Sorry for the English language though...


    Played for hours last night, the issue repeated itself every time when I [intentionally] ignored signal aspects. Emergency braking and the unstoppable beeping. Tried several ways: waited until the train comes to a full stop and pressed [END] ONLY then. Also tried pressing already while braking - same. I also translated many posts here and noticed that numerous [but not all] people experience this issue.

    Wow, that was quick. Thank you for your input Taurus0815, yes, I indeed tried. I waited until the train has come to a full stop and then pressed Frei [End]. Unfortunately the tone kept beeping. I will further test it [just dowbloaded the Salzburg S-bahn route, super!] so I will keep playing late into the night, and will report back if I find anything useful to help you with problem solving. Once again, thanks for the prompt reponse!

    Hello, and sorry for writing in English. The 1144 is absolutely brilliant! There is only one thing I noticed. Passing an amber signal and not confirming it, the emergency brake applicaton induces a tone alarm that won't stop. No matter what you do, the tone will stay on, so the only option is to quit and restart the scenario. Is it a known issue or is it happening to me only?

    Congratulations for the creators, this locomotive is otherwise incredible, I hope it will be further developed!



    Sorry, don't speak German. I sent an e-mail to DTG because there are many annoying things in the new BR189. Please, everybody send an e-mail to them, the more complaints, the more chances that they fix the issues. I copy my e-mail here for you to see! I sent it to three DTG addresses:

    Tim Gatland ; Paul Jackson ; DTG Support


    Hi all,

    I have recently purchased your newest loco add-on for TS2014, the BR189 in Dispolok livery. I had kind of high hopes because one of your latest locomotives, the Class 92 was actually quite detailed system wise.

    But let me stick to the point. The exterior model is stunning as always, compliments to the 3D artist. So is the interior, the cab is top quality as well. Even the sounds are quite good. But... I am very disappointed how few features were added, and I noticed some bugs as well.

    As a freight loco, it truly needs the "roadrunner" switch that sounds a beep-beep when the end of train reaches the point when the thing was activated. This switch is sorely missing even though it would not take a lot to add it. It is so basic, it is a must especially for a freight loco.

    The "U" and "M" PZB modes are also missing, instead, we are having the PZB mode "O" which is almost never used when it comes to freight trains. Freight trains are heavy and slow and their max speed rarely exceeds 120 km/h except a few special assignments, and only at night. Otherwise 90-120 km/h is the speed range for most freight trains. So if you did not want to add multiple PZB modes (why?), at least you should have added the PZB "U" or the PZB "M" mode, but definitely not the "O" mode which is for fast trains. This is totally unrealistic and ruins the overall picture...

    I have also noticed two bugs (so far two). When changing cabs, the cab light does not seem to work properly in the "secondary" cab. It only does in the "main" one.

    Another bug: Driving the BR189, and coupling to a broken BR189, the broken loco should not raise its pantograph when towed. In the scenario editor, the other loco is set to broken, so it is dead, inoperative. Yet for some strange reason, both locos raise their pantographs. This is obviously wrong, the second, dead loco should not raise its pantograph. In fact, the main loco raises the panto gradually, the animation is smooth. But the second (the broken) BR189, however, does not even raise its panto smoothly, it is just suddenly "up" without the animated pantograph raising. But it should not raise its pantograph at all anyway, since it is a broken engine...

    These are things that make me feel that you guys prefer quantity over quality, and this is not fair. We are faithfully supporting you, spending a lot of money on addons - let us be honest, we customers keep you up and running - therefore I truly believe we do deserve that you pay more attention and release bug free, quality stuff.


    - missing "roadrunner" switch (end of train beep-beep sound)
    - incorrect PZB mode ("O") - missing modes "M" and "U" (if your really want to cut corners and only one mode is added, it shouldn't be the fast train PZB mode "O" but any of the other two...
    - buggy cab light when changing cabs
    - broken engine raises its pantograph (should not do that at all, but even when doing it, no animation is seen, it just suddenly jumps up, clearly a bug...)

    As a paying customer I do ask you to fix these bugs, and do not throw me off with an automated response. We do pay significant amount of our hard earned money on these stuff and on behalf of the entire community I kindly ask you to sort out all the above The overall impression of this product is not bad at all, but issues like the ones highlighted here should definitely be solved.


    So this is what I have sent them. I hope they fix these.