Beiträge von Dallas

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    Köblitzer Bergland V3 is good, better optimized.
    But what worries me the amount of routes. Very much is connections to Wildau.

    I miss personally connection From Wildau to Bad Rickenberg via Altenburg, the route for 90 minutes. Something like is the route. 4. "morning tour is wildau" - in the opposite direction!

    I also miss the route from Hosvenn to Bad Rickenberg and Altenburg.

    I have a pack BR 111 Dostos and BR 218.
    If someone could create such a routes?

    Thank you for your reply.

    Im general follow the actions of Koblitzer Bergland 3.0 v and I'm impressed that you care about the details, they enjoy!
    In my opinion Koblizer Bergland is currently the best route next to Berlin-Wittenberg.
    I am full of admiration that you are doing it for the community.

    Best regards Jan!


    I have a graphics card ATi Radeon 6770.

    I check all the weather's and made a list of clouds (clouds flashing and those that do crash game).

    It can help you better optimize for the future. Best regards!

    List of Weather - All weather run, but clouds flashing textures:

    TTB aufkommender Regen.bin
    TTB aufkommender Schneesturm.bin
    TTB Bedeckt statisch.bin
    TTB Bedeckt.bin
    TTB Cumuli.bin
    TTB CumuliSchauer.bin
    TTB Frontdurchgang.bin
    TTB Fruehnebel.bin
    TTB KlarerHimmel.bin
    TTB Nebel am Tage.bin
    TTB Schneesturm.bin
    TTB Sommertag.bin
    TTB Sturm statisch.bin
    TTB Sturm.bin
    TTB Vorderseite.bin

    List of Weather - Crash when you start/loading the game:

    TTB Frühnebel.bin

    I did as you said Lempi.

    Clear sky there is no problem.

    However, the clouds break and flashing textures.
    I have an ATi graphics card - 6770, and option in game - Highest.

    There is a way to fix this flashing textures of sky?

    Thank You Lempi!

    "At first you have to activate the desired developer on your route."
    Do You mean in World Editor in game "Track Unlock Selected" (Open padlock)?

    Vielen Dank!

    I am fine with PZB, but I saw a lot of fix's to this also with vR and I simply ask whether this fix introduces something and if it is necessary.

    And as for the change sky, is it complicated?
    Is there a tutorial for this?


    I have a route Berlin-Wittenberg. Of the official screens, I seen beautiful clouds and sky. But in the game itself I simply cloud.
    Change the weather in RW_Tools directory assets/TrainTeamBerlin/berlin-leipzig/weather - but unfortunately it does not work!

    Is it possible to move up the beautiful sky with Berlin-Wittenberg to Koblitzer Bergland?

    I Have (AP_Lighting_Effects_Enhancement_Pack and AP_Station_Lighting_Enhancement_Pack_(UK_DLC). This fix causes a problem?

    A second question:

    I have a vR BR 111 with Dosto. Do you recommend to any fix of the PZB or not necessary?


    I using RW_Tools to clone the scenarios. However, I would like to export some clone-scenarios by using RW_Tools?
    It could somehow export of rwp *, or any other format?
    This will be easier for me to install a couple of scenarios.
    A couple of scenarios can convert into one file?


    This may sound silly, but I do not understand the main tutorial of RW_Tools on the of replacing tracks...

    I would like to replace rail from Seebergbahn to Ruhr-Sieg (complete the line).

    Please tell me step by step what I need to do.
    Everything I do by using RW_Tools, or necessarily is the game editor?

    Thank you in advance for your help!


    I have all required content of payware and freeware to upgrade HagenSiegen to 2.2.
    Everything works, but I have a question!
    I mean specifically a black horizon of rails - the black horizon ugly looks - is a normal, so it does look like?
    Look -
    My option is all "Highest Detail" - I have Radeon 6770 (MSI).

    There is there a fix? fix of lighting, rail?


    Replacing locomotives (with instructions)

    I'll give an example - It is a scenario in which we have to ride the loko - V200
    I would like to replace V200 via the other locomotive (with the same timetable instructions).
    Is there a possibility?

    Can do this from within the editor? or need other tools?

    Thanks :]

    Right, there is nothing worry about to one scenario. Thank you for your help and the scenarios (dwagency).

    Very helpful program RW Tools, who raised these scenarios!

    Change the language (game, steam, utilities) - not work
    Check the cache on Steam - not work
    Clear Steam Cloud - not work

    "Hagen-Siegen" and "Ruhr Sieg" there is no scenario "Last Leg to Siegen" (or english name etc. ..)

    Nebel auf der Lenne - Kollektion Window in Ruhr-Sieg Line - YES
    Nebel auf der Lenne - STANDARD SCENARIOS - NO

    Nebel auf der Lenne - CARIERE - YES

    Nebel auf der Lenne - EDITOR - NO

    Last Leg to Siegen - Kollektion Window in Ruhr-Sieg Line - NO

    Last Leg to Siegen - STANDARD SCENARIOS - NO

    Last Leg to Siegen - CARIERE - NO

    Last Leg to Siegen - EDITOR - NO

    How is on yours ?
