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    Yes that could have been nice, but there are to small problems. I have decided only to make electrified railroad, and the secund and worse problem is the Tracks.bin file. My experience tells my, that even working i 64 bit version of TS, the Tracks.bin is almost impossible to work with when it comes near to the 20 MB. It chrashes. The Serz.exe can´t handle files in this sice. The new part of the route is Hamburg - Wittenberge. I would have loved to take it all the way to Berlin, but I think that it can´t be done. There would still be about 125 km railroad to bild with at lot of stations, signals, sidings and so on. The Tracks.bin is now almost 14 MB and there at still things to be corrected and added. So I dont think it is possible to take it all the way.:)


    Just outside Hamburg, direction against Wittenberg, there is a containerterminal. What is the name of that? And is it possible that anyone could provide my with the correct tracknumbers? The Nearest U-Bahn station are Billwerder-Moorfleet.

    Enough is enough
    When there is going to be so much controversy about my work, what I choose to use of Assets, and whether I want to give permission to others to change my route, what is obviously done, without even asking for permission, and that I just have been informed that I may not have a donate button on my website by my routes if I am to use TED Assets. Then I think I drop the whole project.

    Habe hier stellenweise "farbige Bodentexturen" hat das sonst noch jemand? oder weiß worann´s liegen kann?


    I can tell, that the textures and the routetemplate are in the package. Have you cleared the cache after installation of the rotue?


    I can´t find any matrix coordinates for the cab. I have looked in the engine.bin file and in the cab.bin. The only file i can find with matrix coordinates are in the cabocclusion.bin and i don´t think it is there I can change the cab direction.


    Für die, die es jetzt interessieren sollten, lohnt es sich, einfach mal auf meine Website zu schauen und unter "TS Udenlandske Ruter" nachzuschauen


    Team TrainSim are building the Danish shunting locomotive Litra MH. We are using a cab from another locomotive, but we have a problem. The cab turns the wrong way. Are there any way to rotate the cab 180* without messing with any 3D files?


    Here is at small update. The route are ready, but i am still missing Kiel hbf. I don´t know why it´s taking so long to finnish.

    A screenshot with the old version, and it doesn´t look good;(

    I guess you'll need the European Loco&Asset-Pack and the US Loco&Asset-Pack, but I don't know how it is exactly. I just guess that they'll needed because they were the requirements for the danish Jylland and Sjaelland routes.


    Yes that is correct, you will need theese two packs, and you will also need the DTG Hamburg - Lübeck route from Steam.

    Just for an approximate classification: How far have you progressed with the freight bypass? Is it roughly foreseeable how long you still need?

    Please don't get me wrong - I don't want to rush in any way - I'm just very interested and full of anticipation for the track and can't wait to finally do the first laps and build scenarios.

    I wish you lots of joy and success with building!

    There are around 8 km landscape missing on the "Güterumgehungsbahn". The rest of the route are finnished 99,9%. I am only missing the new 3D modell of Kiel hbf.