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    The store didn't had any issues with completing pay-pal payments during your order, even 39 seconds after you and one minute before your order we had 2 completed ones from 2 different customers. We investigate it direct for you(up on your first email) and our systems did what it need to do, they work and did the job right.
    We cant give discounts on request, only if there is an clear issue or a downtime, and that was not the case.
    For sure in the future there will be another discount period, please follow our newsletter.

    Nothing new here, nothing special no need to discus it again, multiple developers used payware routes and count 30 till 35 euro for the ad-don, and your European asset pack cost also money nothing different just same principals.

    the route is needed for platform people, diesel trains etc, and is definitely a complete new experience, 100 % nothing same in the eyes as DTG..
    and contain a 1gb of Railtraction assets

    Wenn die Bilder ja wenigstens besondere Details zeigen würden. Ich zähle aber nur insgesamt 16 Objekte, quasi eine Basisausstattung. Interesse an dem Produkt weckt das nicht...

    if a couple of people are not happy with the details and info they got right now it is sad, but there are allot of people that are happy and interested to see details, assets right now. they even ask for it or think that the project is dead. we cant make everybody happy in this world. Lets wait till the developer want to tell what he is doing, if you are not happy /without information or which route it is than don't follow it right now and just see the images as decoration purpose on the Railtraction facebook

    Ehrlich? So schlecht sieht das garnicht aus. Auch wenn das Bild mal wieder nichtssagend ist, sagt es trotzdem viel. Keine Ha-Si Häuser!!!!, wie man sie auf anderen Paywarestrecken häufig vorfindet, ist schon mal lobenswert, ebenso KEIN uralt Kuju Straßengedönse. Ein Peugeot 206 Cabrio gab es glaub ich bisher noch nicht im TS. Auch die Lampen sind neu und erinnern mich etwas an die aus Ko-Vi. Der Baustil der Häuser ähnelt sehr Aerosoft, denen aus Fr-Ba oder Ko-Tr.

    indeed there is only one thing from DTG on this photo(the road from left to right, All other assets are custom(railtraction asset database) even the sky and ground .

    we will see guys what the route will be, for sure there are tricky driving moments that ask your control and focus, and on the first moments of explore the route you need to watch good on the signs because the trees can block your vision, so stay sharp because you only have meters of reaction time.. the route is in the hills with allot of gradient differences and for sure you need to stay in focus, i promise that for sure. for me it was not easy to control my speed on the route. when all pzb magnets etc are on the place it will be allot of fun for sure.

    Naja, das kann aber auch bedeuten, dass total unterschiedliche Vegetation auf der Strecke verbaut ist, die nicht miteinander harmoniert. Das hat man ja schon in früheren Bildern gesehen.

    Regarding feedback there are some improvements going on, so last image show a little what you can expect in the total route !,The Developer change by script trees around the route from DTG version to Our own RT models.
    On the photo you See our Willow trees, and hazel bushes/ young trees.

    Oder es wird eine stillgelegte Strecke von RT, wo schon einiges aubgebaut worden ist! *haumichweg*

    Gruß *hi*


    did you read previous topics? external developer work on this route.
    that our own development routes take long time you can see on the wishes from the guys here, every asset need to be unique or it is nogo ;) wishes take time and routes to,

    eigentlich müssen bei streckengeschwindigkeiten über 50 km/h PZB verbaut sein


    ... oder es gibt auf der Strecke keine PZB. Ist manchmal so wenn die Vmax 80 km/h ist und ein LF 6 mit Kennziffer 7 kommt.

    pzb, signals are very important, yes it all come inside but this are the things that are come on place with in a couple of hours till couple of days depending on size of the route. no worry about pzb magnets that come as last

    indeed i see some experts here, nothing from kuju structure inside the route just from dtg and large amounts from Railtraction assets. the route contains also allot of trees which you never seen before as it is custom. and clearly vissable on the screenshots. so stop talking about kuju kuju almost every route need the european asset packet, i dont hear complains about that.

    Second!!! the route is a thirdparty Developer, and only published by RT .

    for support i need to have an email in my mailbox, no email is no support, as i checked my spambox log include the others because panzerman said he email us and didn't receive a response.
    when a customer say this i start look into watch where it is.

    our official support channel is our website and email or facebook page.

    We do not provide continues support on forums.

    it disturb our time,
    second users that disturb the chain information.
    third, i cant re-guest customer data, no screenshots etc etc some times we do need to do some research for a solution
    And as last i cant concentrate on a person his problem and work step by step to a solution,

    if somebody need detailed support , please email support<> <> = @
    or contact on our private message system on our facebook page:
    support is available on working days ! not in the weekend

    Hi Panzermann

    First off all we didn't receive any support emails which contains this problem this week.

    please follow the procedures which described above,

    as other way is to select install with the English language which make no any differences.
    the installer itself work fine , as it is a same source build as all other products.

    also Update your system (windows updates)

    The Accel is script controlled, currently in version 1.0 small issue with link it to the back engine. this custom controller work different than you expect in the solution ;) no need to do it over consist message,
    solved here for 1.1

    i try to launch the update in next week, im for work in the United Kingdom from Thursday till Monday next week.

    thanks for the video, this is not my train that make this brake but train simulator self. i never trigger the emergency brake like this in my lua. as i hear the main emergency brake controller. this you hear normally only when push the emergency red button. i know ts default trigger this control

    Also ich finde die Stimme der Sifa und Zugbeeinflussung, nicht gut im IC2 klingt die besser. Kann man diese nicht in den Twindexx Vario einfügen, wenn es ein Update gibt ? Die stimme klingt wie Darth Vader.

    the sifa and pzb and all other speaking sounds are original IC2 sounds

    this train have in real world no LZB, no AFB

    with the traction lock you guys have always hurry,
    first push and hold key E , when hold the key e than move the lever. not move the lever and than E logical in the real train you cant move the lever without un lock it

    if you dont like this function than push, umshalt+5 / Shift+5 and it deactivate the complete lock.

    i drived allot of kilometers without any issues.
    some exclusive times it happen here to when im in hurry