The outside sounds of the bahnmotor and acceleration is direct from EL18.
The idle in the video is a test for the RE460 version. The EL18 have a bit more oil pump noise than RE460. The screw compressor / startup sound is also different.
The GTOs has a little bit of lower pitch when you apply power but it will take time to implement.
I will gather opinions from locomotive drivers before it is released. If i have time i will head down to the city center and record sounds with my brother (audio engineer)
This is not a payware addon, im sitting home for free making these sounds because of my love for EL18.
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This large rolling stock package from TrainworX for Train Simulator Classic contains the Re 460, the Re 6/6, the Re 4/4, the KISS RABe 511 and the IC 2000 set.
SBB RE460 / EL18 Sound mod
More details will follow here:
Many weeks of work on the project.
Some of the sounds work for both Rivet and TrainWorx.
Completed (Universal Rivet / TrainWorX:)
-RE460 Outside Idle
-EL18 Outside Idle (In video)
-ABB Traction motor sound (from EL18), running sounds from RE460 bogie and bass from EL18 pulling at Flåm - Myrdal.
-Start outside with older screw compressor. (LOK2000, RE460)
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This large rolling stock package from TrainworX for Train Simulator Classic contains the Re 460, the Re 6/6, the Re 4/4, the KISS RABe 511 and the IC 2000 set.
SBB Note:
I will not touch Sifa / Assist systems, SBB has been very clear in this regard even as a Freeware sound developer i am not touching those items.
Wenn Sie mehr über mich erfahren möchten:
Ich bin ein Eisenbahnfan, schon fast mein ganzes Leben lang.
Ich war mit meinem Vater am Bahnhof wenn die LOK 2000's kommt nach unsere schinen.
Er arbeitete dort seit den 70er Jahren bis 2003, als Expressgods seine Niederlassung in Bergen schloss.
Ich sah die LOK2000-Prototypen herumfahren, dann baute AD-Tranz ab 1996 EL18.
Der Klang dieser Lokomotiven ist mir im Gedächtnis geblieben.
Nachdem ich nun einige andere Soundmods erstellt hatte, wollte ich EL18 ins Spiel einbringen und gleichzeitig RE460/RE465 - LOK2000-Sounds erstellen.
If you want to know more about me:
Im a train fan, been so most of my life.
Started in my youth when i was with my father at the railway station in Bergen.
He worked there since the 70's up untill 2003, when Expressgods closed their unit in Bergen.
I saw the LOK2000 Prototypes rolling around, then the AD-Tranz built EL18's in 1996 upwards.
The sound these locomotives made is something that has stuck with me.
Now after making some other sound mods i wanted to bring EL18 alive into the game, at the same time as making RE460/RE465 - LOK2000 sounds.
I have a large forklift license and have driven one many years ago, has a distinct side mounted cab for visibility.
(The 5th hydraulic function is not connected since there is no logging claw etc. equipped.)
-Modeled cab with air-ride seat.
-Hella Master 5060 period correct lamps.
Made from Scratch in Z-Modeler2 for GTA San Andreas of all games.. (Made it back in 2008)
Currently making it X over to Train Simulator, will try to get it animated aswell. Too bad you cant drive it in TS but with a modeled cab one can pretend.
If anyone want to help animate that would be very nice.
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What does the Voith Turbo 640 transmission sound like ?
Its easier to hear it when driving the locomotive. In the end of the repitched version under you can hear an answer to some hard pulling videos where one can wonder where this sound is from. (Fluid compressed by converter) It is unfortunately a source of power loss compared to an electric generator. And the reason the Siemens Eurodual goes 15% longer per 1 liter diesel compared to the maxima.
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