Eine Auflistung ist mir nicht bekannt, aber hier wurde schon einmal darüber diskutiert.
Beiträge von Train18
Neue Version 7.0.12 (04.08.2016):
v7.0.12 - Fixed a bug in the Route Checking area when checking Loft Tiles.
Southwest China High Speed Rail Network für 9.95€ zu haben (sonst 24.95€)
Discountcode: Siehe Newsletter
Im UKTS-Forum gibt Mike Simpson die Gründe für den Wechsel zur Freeware an.
I have decided to provide the full version of RW_Tools as FreeWare from now on.There are a few reasons for this:-
1. RW_Tools has not changed much in the past 12 months and interest is waning.
2. It is unlikely that any new versions of TrainSimulator will be forthcoming before the new UE4 version appears (initally
announced for 2016, but as there have not been any 'preview' pictures at all, I am doubtful about that). So no more updates to
RW_Tools will be required. Even if the UE4 version uses similar .xml files, I will not be spending months/years writing
utilities for it like I have done for both MSTS and the various iterations of Railworks.3. I will be 76 in a few weeks and have had health issues over the past few years.
I will today post a full version of RW_Tools v7.0.0 on my site http://www.rstools.info and at uktrainsim.com - this version is identical to v6.0.92
apart from not needing a license to run, so if you already own v6.0.92 there is no point in downloading it again, however if you wish to update from an earlier version there is an update patch to v7 on my site.I will retain a 'Donate' button on my site for anyone wishing to contribute to the cost of running my website and continuing
to fix bugs etc. but there will no longer be mandatory license requirements, you will receive nothing for donations apart from
a 'Fuzzy feeling that you are a good person'Thanks for all the support over the years since the first 'Route-Riter' in 2000 and the first 'RW_Tools' in 2009.
Neue Version 7.0.0 (17.07.2016):
v7.0.00 - This version is identical to v6.0.92 apart from the fact that it is now freeware and does not need a license to run.
Ab dieser Version ist RW-Tools nun Freeware!.
Neue elektrische Lokomotiven 123 001-0 und 123 014-6 der CD
Summer Sale bei ChrisTrains. 30% Rabatt bis zum 31.07.2016.
Steamsoundssupreme Weekend-Sale
Bis zum Ende des Wochenendes gibt es 20% Rabatt auf ausgesuchte Artikel.
Der Felberpass wird derzeit überarbeitet und steht auf dieser Homepage nicht zum Download zur Verfügung.
Bei Just Trains gibt es bis zum 17.07.2016 "BR Standard Class 5MT Advanced" für 9.45Euro (sonst 18.95Euro).
Discountcode: Steht im Newsletter von Just Trains
CreativeWorx Weekend Flash Sale bis zum 26.06.2016
SBB CFF FFS Re 420 172 für 9.99 (sonst 12.99Euro)
The Re 420, Re 4/4 in the old numbering scheme, are important bo-bo, electric locomotives of the SBB-CFF-FFS, which were made in several series and in numerous versions. This Add-On for Trainsimulator 2016 contains a reproduction of the Re 420 172-9 including standard cab and working controls. The Re 420 Platinum Pack has many more versions.
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Alle Aufgabenpakete zum sagenhaften Preis von 2,95€ satt 6,95€
Von heute 15:00 Uhr bis zum 07.07. 15:00 UHR.
Neue Version 6.0.92 (15.06.2016):
v6.0.92 - Changed the File Date column in the 'Find all .ap files' routine to display as Year Month Day e.g. 20160615 - this means that when the sheet is sorted via the menu using the 'Date' Option that the most recently downloaded .ap files appear at the top of the list, thus enabling users to ascertain what has been downloaded recently.