sDriver schreibe mir, wie war deine Bestellnummer?
Beiträge von Kal000px
Zaphr Yeah, it works exactly like that. It just multiplies braking force with coefficient meaning how much of braking force can be applied at this speed.
Schwarzwaldbahner Wheelslip should be according to adhesive characteristics, adhesive force decreases with increasing speed and so does traction force, so it seems that chance of wheelslip is lower.
Uberwachung bar appears when it is active and PZB observes that speed. When you are braking, it isn´t showing. I am not sure whether this is 100% correct though.
Yes, the skin package was also updated due to addition of LZB switch control.
jstange done.
jstange names should change automatically to Traxx_v01_01 in My account page.
Update is now available at shop. Simply redownload installation file and click on Patch button. Please also update the skin pack, otherwise it won´t work.
- Corrections of traction adhesion
- LZB Befehl40 corrected
- ETCS transitions to/from ATB and PZB corrected
- ATB icon is now hidden when it should be
- Both pantos now raise automatically only under 1.5kV
- Added 600A limit in Germany
- Corrected some bugs during ETCS SoM
- PZB regime now depends on set brake percents
- ZWS now works through UIC wagons
- Added LZB switch
PayPal should accept guest payments, at least from Czech Republic it is working now. I am not sure whether it is working from other countries though.
ES64F4 try matching it with nodes "DedekP" for front cab and "DedekZ" for back cab if it works.
So I am trying to understand how the balises work that you delivered with this loco. To get from national STM to ETCS level 2 you first have to place a LT balise which I did, 30 seconds before the transition. Then I have an ETCS level 2 balise 30 seconds after the LT balise. But when I pas the transition balise to go to level 2, I get BD and no speed. Am I missing something?
I will take a look at it. You are doing everything correctly, it seems like my mistake.
curt2244 how exactly does it tell which PZB mode to use? Only by braking percent? And what are the exact values?
I will take a look at the LZB and try to solve it out.
jstange shiny RJ coaches can be downloaded at…bXjCIePJSRb7lsBZECll5-ppA.
Dson XinoTroN the current limit of 600A applies only in Germany? Or also in Austria? And is there any way of how to get above it? Like driving on LZB line?
Schwarzwaldbahner I will take a closer look at the LZB problem and try to fix it!
ES64F4 how did You manage to make the driver appear there? It looks really nice!
ETCS brake test should be completed by third phase. At least that is the way how it worked before releasing.
I’ll take a look at it tomorrow.
RalleE 1000 tons up to 20 promile is quite a lot for this lok.
ES64F4 AFB here works this way. You are supposed to press Y once to push lever to V+ position and desired speed is then periodically increased. The same works for V-.
That “troll” is a good friend of mine and a classmate, he is staying.
What exactly is not smooth? The gradient in the middle of it? About ZZA I was informed here few weeks ago. Exterior was already done, so changing it would mean quite big changed in model and UV mapping.
But despite some mistakes it had, I am really glad You all like it!
I am quite not sure about that as it is payware stuff. Repaints I had released in the package were previously accepted.
XinoTroN I don’t know anything anout that. How does it work?
Copyright reasons
TheLaRiche thanks a lot!
It should be present in Manuals/EN under [K] ETCS signals handbook.pdf name. -
BR 420 S Bahn RMV as I said, it depends on random variable generated at the scenario start. Rail and train conditions are not always 100% perfect in reality.
jstange traction block can be triggered by applied spring brake, train brake controller not being in 5bar position, ETCS brake test not finished, or by some "break downs". Try putting train brake controller to 5bar position and power lever to 0 position.
Ich werde mir beide genauer ansehen.
Ja, ich kann LZB-Schalter hinzufügen.
I am glad that You like it!