Morning in the Switzerland
Beiträge von Kal000px
ČD 471 at Testovaci trat
First kilometres under Swiss ZUB
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200km/h through Germany under ETCS supervision
Machinegunners nest
BlackHawk this is the manual that the current implementation of PZB is made by
So everytime that PZB is monitoring speed, only the light showing train type will be blinking? And additionally to that there will be yellow bar?
TheZui How exactly should it work? How does it work when it is monitoring 45km/h?
Leipzig to Bitterfeld
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Maik Goltz The amount of used textures and used memory is a bitter downside of this approach, but it gives You the opportunity to put there a lot more and get more functionalities and interaction with those displays
LZB start up to 200 km/h
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Maik Goltz is it ok to use english or should I use translator?
Display update function is not called each update but after a small timeout - to simulate lower update frequency of displays and to lower the cpu usage of it. Each icon on display is done by child object using "SetText" function - this is done to get more objects to cab that .GeoPcDx limit actually allows. As they are child objects, display icons don´t count to that. They are just simple four vertices planes with a set of textures, if icons should not show up, then they render with full alpha transparent texture. Rendering more models than one cabin model in scene requires higher count of draw calls, however I have decided to give this way a try and sacrifice few frames per second to achieve higher level of realism. To this day, almost no one complained with Traxx that FPS with that loco were noticeably lower than with other locos.
The sounds are very quiet, I will take a look at it, make it louder and try to get better recordings. If You hear it in real life, those bogeys make some low frequency buzzing noise (I don’t know how to describe it properly) and that is quite tricky to record exactly as it is. That will be improved.
Yeah, windows are not finished yet
Intertrain "Vlakový zabezpečovač" means something like Zugbeeinflussung, "Nucené brzdění" means emergency brake or Zwangsbremsung.
Wetterauer777 what exactly do You miss?
Intertrain "Vlakový zabezpečovač" bedeutet so etwas wie Zugbeeinflussung, "Nucené brzdění" bedeutet Notbremse oder Zwangsbremsung.
Wetterauer777 Was genau vermisst du?
Some fancy functions - energy consumption monitoring, disconnecting of traction engines, AFB / PZB data input etc..
Yeah, will try to correct it, thanks for info
Maik Goltz Random value is used to never make it the same as it is in real life - sometimes You get loco with proper wheel profile, the next time it is a bit more used and doesn´t have such a good grip on rails. What is probably a problem here is that the formula for adhesion forces is a bit outdated in terms of modern asynchronous driven locomotives, used coefficients are a bit highed and differ from one loco type to another. Otherwise in real life it can get sometimes also very slippery
In terms of sanding - sanding is limited by time used - to approximate state that You get on loco and the sanders are not full. However the time used for sanding was set too low. I have already fixed that and it will be in a next update.
xxmichaelxx327 Thanks for translations!
200km/h towards Leipzig!