I haven’t had tested that since I don’t own any of those routes.
Beiträge von Kal000px
Kim_olesen1 already has
I have tested it only on Gotthardbahn but it seems that it is working.
Kal000px In this case, will it be possible to define different top speeds for sections of the route instead of one for the entire timetable?
Interesting point! So it will have two possible speed limitations - Vmax for the whole train and Vmax for specific kilometric sections?
Kal000px Will the Vectron also support EBuLa-timetables made in the vR-format like in the 186?
No, those are not textured EBulas as they are in 386. Here the routes are defined in .csv files and it is completely customizable.
Ich habe vor die Sounds zu uberarbeiten, Ich bin jetzt nicht sehr zufrieden damit
I´ve a question. I have heard that the Vectron can turn of some of the motors during driving, when they are not needed to use, for example when the Vectron drives as Loco Train she use only 2 of 4 motors. Is this also implemented on your Vectron.
Thanks for anserwing.
Yes, that is true, however only the newest software version (E) can do this, older ones (I am making D1) can´t do this.
AlphaAbteilung hope it´s okay to write in english and not use translator
Yeah, SCMT is quite big and complicated piece of script, that´s the main reason I did many other smaller things that could be done in almost no time during some free time between doing uni projects. Also documentation for SCMT exists only in Italian and they have very different signalling systems that most of central european countries that I know. So first I need to learn at least a bit of it, so I can make it right. Some Italian developers contacted me and gave me some really great materials for it (mainly some videos) and I am in contact with them so getting helped with it should be no problem. But still it is quite a big challenge to do it
I hope it won´t take as much time as ETCS or ATO on class 471 took.
Anyways, here is a short video of new progress!
- EBula -> You can define timetables by train number (similar concept to announcement system on class 471) where You define maximum train speed, used routes with specific kilometric sections and preferably You can define stopping stations and respective arrival and departure times. All files are defined in .csv files so editing them should be really simple. Also small template will be included in the final model with some examples.
- TB0/TBS -> Door control systems, TB0 is not side selective, it just unlocks/locks all doors. In game they work almost the same, door unblocking is made by game (via pressing T at platforms), You just have to lock the doors with button. TB0 and TBS (OBB) ingame differs in display indication. Used control system can be switched via right display.
- EP brakes -> EP brakes work only in R+Mg braking mode. To use them, You have to turn them on via right display, select used NBU standard and set EP brakes to on. Then they need to be tested (simply confirm the NBU acknowledge via >=5bar position, brake and then release) and boom, then You can drive with working EP brakes
- New air brakes script -> I have completely rewritten air brakes script. Now it should respect cylinder fill/empty times respective to used brake mode. Also it accounts a pressure difference between front and rear of the train, some air pressure piercing speed (speed of pressure wave travelling in the consist) and some more things. It is possible to select many braking modes (all should behave differently at least a bit
- R+Mg - air pressure accelerators are used, also magnetic brakes are present
- R with accelerators
- R
- P - locomotive only
- P
- P - with LL composite brakes, braking force with low cylinder pressure is lower, but as brake cylinder pressure rises, braking force rises sharper than with classic brakes
- G - locomotive only
- G - locomotive and first 5 wagons
- G
- G - with LL composite brakes
So I hope all those things will made it much better than it was before and You are gonna like it
Here´s a link to a short video showing some of those features
Externer Inhalt www.youtube.comInhalte von externen Seiten werden ohne Ihre Zustimmung nicht automatisch geladen und angezeigt.Durch die Aktivierung der externen Inhalte erklären Sie sich damit einverstanden, dass personenbezogene Daten an Drittplattformen übermittelt werden. Mehr Informationen dazu haben wir in unserer Datenschutzerklärung zur Verfügung gestellt. - EBula -> You can define timetables by train number (similar concept to announcement system on class 471) where You define maximum train speed, used routes with specific kilometric sections and preferably You can define stopping stations and respective arrival and departure times. All files are defined in .csv files so editing them should be really simple. Also small template will be included in the final model with some examples.
Dson don’t worry, I’m taking a lot of time
however I had too many university responsibilities so I had almost no time since september to work on it.
Ich hatte nicht genug Zeit, um zu veröffentlichen, wird wahrscheinlich im Januar sein
Working EP brakes / NBU with necessary EP brake tests, door selection modes, completely reworked air simulation..
Still a lot of work to do, but I hope y´all gonna like this model
Is there a better way to test working EP-brakes than with dual railjets?
From Leipzig to Berlin with new EBula
. EBula now loads train timetables defined by .csv files, which then define used routes and their respective used sections by km locations. Anyone can now easily make new EBula routes / timetables. As You can see, it also displays arrival/departure times if they are defined
Hope You will all like this.
200 km/h on ETCS
Regiojet fleet is almost complete, only one piece missing
RegioJet fleet seems to be almost complete by now.
DaTeddyx3 Hey! Unfortunately not much, I still haven´t touched the remaining bits (ETCS and SCTM) for a while.
Is that a new version of the loco?
Exterior belongs to Smejki from TRS, some parts of interior are modified parts of older 362 loco, the rest is new. Also the scripts and sounds are completely new.
jstange Thanks! After my finals at uni I had almost no power left to work at class 471, so hopefully after vacations next week I will continue to finish it and then finish the Vectron. Hopefully as soon as possible.
Die Tschechische Bauereihe 162/3 kann hier kostenlos heruntergeladen werden.
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XinoTroN nope, that is AC/DC 193 226