As a MSFS scenery designer for over two decades (Airports of Norway), I would want nobody to do anything to my package while in progress. And maybe even not when Final. I have been in threads like this more than I like to remember. Bottom line is that I have to keep on no matter critisism, also to write a readme that states exactly what is permitted and what is not.
Beiträge von Norweger
With Amisia's upgrade, at least I can get from Dresden to Leipzig with only two zwangses (guess this will go on until DTG fix their stuff anyway). This line was an autobuy for me, regardless of bugs.
I voted for second best. I never give RSSLO full credit because of tracks straight on grass and the well-known "atomic vegetation". But this can be fixed to some degree by using updates and fixes, making backups and a little experimenting. To the point: Sudbahn surprises me straight from the box. It has gravel under the tracks; does not look like Marklin or Fleischmann tracks. When installing, I got an option to add RWA assets, without knowing what that would be, so I did not use that option.
After being happy with Sudbahn default, I did the Railworks Austria upgrade (which is massive and time consuming). The end result is terrific. I'll stop here as this is not about the upgrade but the basic route, which is not bad at all.
Agreed. Because of the vegetation and OL Fix I drive this route a lot more now... but stay away from airport related scenarios. Depends which direction you come from btw... Malte's ICE 925 works like a charm.
Regarding REX 1524, I played around with the long cargo train consist at Bruck-Fusch. Seems like it wasn't connected properly. Saved when I could move the whole consist in the Editor, and now it works
I think I will just skip part 2 and go directly to part 3 for now.
I got a new snag, with REX 1524 from Schwarzach St. Veit to Saalfelden using Giselabahn. Just before entering Bruck-Fusch, I get an AI crash, have tried two times. I use the most recent versions of all the RSSLO rutes. Any remedy to this?
Regarding TEC 41850 part 2, I have to give up on that one, or make a new one myself. I used Logmate and found a lot of "Sggdmrss_Sand_FCON"?? Anyway, I replaced all of them, also the three locos (all blue in Locoswap). Still TS is crashing with an OOM error. My PC is not the problem as it is a gaming laptop with 11.gen Intel processor, 16GB RAM, 1TB M2 HDD and RTX 3070 8GB graphics.
TEC 41853, which has more AI, runs without any problems on Tauernbahn.
Thanks. I have a powerful PC, so I'll check if I have swapped in too much resource-hogs.
I have a weird problem with TEC 41850 part 2. Both part 2 and part 3 shows up in Tauernbahn. When I try to start part 2 from Tauernbahn, TS crashes to desktop. Part 3 works fine. So I figured part 2 is for Drautalbahn, and moved the scenario there, but it still crashes.
I also unzipped part 2 and confirmed it will add to Tauernbahn, not Drautalbahn. Is there any solution to this? Take note I use both Tauernbahn 1.0 and Tauernbahn V2, where TEC 41850 part 3 adds correctly in Tauernbahn v1.0.
Oh, and thanks for your great scenarios
I would welcome any upgrade to this route. I also want to mention this route exists in Zusi3, with nice, sleek tracks, a joy to drive, but that would of course cost you the price of a complete new sim.
I can't wait to to be driving over that Rendsburger Hoch Bridge. As a six years old, that was the most epic railway trip I would ever weld into my mind. My parents wanted me to sleep but no... I stayed up and watched it all.
After the last patch and the oberleitung fix I'm spending a lot of time Frankfurt-Koblenz, using scenarios made here. This route is a pleasure to drive now, not being suddenly arrested by zwangses.
On the positive side, I got my money refunded, no matter who the publisher is.
Seems like this loco has a nuclear reactor as power source, spinning wildly at power setting 1 and up at low speeds, power bar hitting the roof. Above 70 km/h things are more normal. About hearing the umrichter at zero speeds and loco creeping slowly forward, the 185 also was like this in the start. Tomorrow-for once, I think I will ask for my money back. Enough time done here to sit and wait for half-made monsters to be patched.