Beiträge von Norweger

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    Can't wait to get rid of the grey :)

    A question: After leaving Passau for Regensburg; shortly after leaving Passau I get this texture bug two times, before going down to 80 km/h. I had the same bug when using the old texture upgrades for the Arlbergbahn (which I don't dare to use anymore). Unfortunatly, as I recently reinstalled Passau-Regensburg (in order to remove atlantic ships and replace them with barges), I cannot tell if this bug already was there before I did your upgrade. Anyone else seen this?

    Since there is not many scenarios made for Nurnberg-Munchen, I heavily modified RSSLO's "ICE 1501", and then happily drove off. Well not so happy approaching Ingolstadt, LZB making my ears bleed, but I'll know better till next time, have to know my line and manually compensate for a not-so-perfect LZB. Swallowed a glass of red wine in Ingolstadt to soften me almost having a heart attack approaching that place. Then had a smooth ride into Munchen. Feierabend!

    With the extension and freeware upgrades by @Tobi-das-Tf and RWA, I gave this the best rating. As I have not seen Munchen with my own eyes, I can still tell it's definitively Munchen, just don't have to look too hard at details when leaving the station for Ingolstadt or all the way to Nurnberg. In my humble opinion I also got the finest Schnellfahrstrecke in TSC; driving at 300 km/h for a good, long run.

    I have a legal version of Photoshop CS6, still working, cost me a fortune a long way back. I can easily make a texture darker, given this is sent to me as a PSD, TGA (or other formats).

    I think Germans in general have been sceptic to new systems like all my life, based on having a lot of family in the Varel (Oldenburg) area. A long way back when VISA was generally accepted everywhere... nope, not in Germany. Had to get myself Eurocard in order to make swift deals (This being DMark and Pfennig times). Or cash, which I today still swear to use... because when the electronic crap goes down - I always can still make a payment, while the card users have to put their grocerys back in the store.

    Same thing in the US in the 80's - had to write checks! (OK-OT).

    Great route that has everyting; a high speed line, gravel beneath the tracks, flatlands and mountainous terrain, all in one package. And the approach into Passau is really something to experience. Of course I use the freeware upgrades here as well.

    It's a great, scenic route - taken atlantic ships are removed from the river. The route has gravel beneath the tracks, which is very important to me. With GPA update and vegetation/tracks update, it's one of my favourites, and a "stayer", together with the Linz-Passau route.

    Had a "crash" today: After replacing the front and back drive units on 3DZug's ICE1 with the latest version LocoSwap, I ended up with a terrible digital noise when starting the scenario. Removing all backup and MD5 files fixed it.

    Good finding, happening to me as well. Have found if I remove all backup files after using Locoswap or TS tools I get a proper startup, but I am still not able to make a conclusion about this.

    You're saying it is noisy? Yes, many old locos are. My Steam 1144 (after the current upgrade) killed my ears (with EFX enabled) with too loud ventilators and the track sounds sounding like I had the side window open all the time. The package I just purchased from RWA solves all that - well done, love it :)

    PS: I have been driving the Norwegian El-16 a lot, also the Swedish RC series (which I understand also was sold to Austria). They are more or less quiet in the cabin, just to let you know what is my reference.

    I cannot drive to and from Ingolstadt without getting the message I need to install Munchen-Nurnberg, and after that the scenario is ended. I have contacted RSSLO about this, but I fear there is not much help to get in weekends. Is there something I can do to avoid this, or do I need a new serial?

    PS, regarding replacing tracks with K-V tracks:

    I just unzipped the Drautalbahn upgrade, renamed Assets/RSSLO Routes/ "Drautalbahn" to "Ingolstadt_Treuchtlingen" and copied the assets to Railworks. Made a backup of Railnetworks before I did this. With default greenery and K-V tracks I can safely say I'm happy.

    In my opinion, SHG destroyed the sound on their 1144 with the latest update... my ears are bleeding when driving it. Is there a video somewhere I can listen to the new RWA loco before making a purchase?


    Being known for not being the most patient person on earth... I found a video of the beta on Youtube, then made my purchase. Sound is great. Feels like and sound like the real-world locos I have been driving back in the 90's.

    I finally found the problem with REX 1524, using the upgraded version of Salzburg-Schwarzach St. Veit, AI crash just before St. Johan in Pongau. Both problems were at at Bischofshofen. AI trains first crashed into a cargo consist, that seemed out of place as it was over a switch, so I deleted it. But got a new crash, this time a little closer to St. Johan. I observed that the AI now crashed in the Railjet consist at Bischhofshofen. So I moved that consist to the next track. Which finally made it start it's journey towards Salzburg, solving the problem permanently.

    Did you make this scenario for the original scenery? I guess upgrading it with ØBB signals could make trouble then? Another theory I have is that on some computers, consists can "pop" into a track they are not supposed to be in. Would be interesting to hear your opinion of this, and if you want to do something to REX 1524, I can help with pics from Bischofshofen before and after fixing.