I will try 
HAUPTSCHALTER = Main Switch / HS Aus Lamp - correct
SPANNUNG = Catenery Line Voltage i.e. 15Kv - correct
STROMABNEHMER STATUS = Pantograph up or down - correct
OBERSTROM = Traction Current (in ampere) - correct
BATTERIESPANNUNG = Battry Voltage - correct
EBULA DAY/NIGHT = EBula Button for day/night mode - correct
FUEHRERSTAND = A locomative has a cab 1 and 2. This Controller(?) is set to 1 or 2 if you enter the locomotive at start (i think)
INSTRUMENTBELEUCHTUNG = Instrument Lights - correct
VIRTUAL BRAKE CONTROL = Train Brake Lever - correct
VIRTUAL THROTTLE CONTROL = Throttle Lever - correct
TEILNEHMER = I think that this has something to do with the Multiple-unit train control, when you have more locomotives.
SYSTEM LAND = For Corss Border Trains, DE and for switzerland when there is a admission for this country - correct
RICHTUNGSSCHALTER = Direction Switch / Reverser - correct
ZUGKRAFTVORWAHL = Power Notch (i.e. BR110/111 steuerwagens, 0 - 28) - correct
BESCHLEUNIGUNGSMESSER = Accelerometer, for Dial next to Speedo, power and braking force. - correct
SPEEDOMETER = Train Speed / Speedometer - correct
SPEEDOMETER VSOLL = Line Speed Bug ? (For AFB / LZB) - correct
DISPLAY VSOLL STELLER = I think it's the same like speedometer vsoll but with displays not with a tachometer with needle and so on. It could also show the VSoll on another display
AFB ON/OFF = Afb on/off - correct
TUER LM/TUER LM LINKS = T Lamp for Doors closed and locked (on the left side) - correct
TUER LM RECHTS = As above for trains with left and right door lights (on the right side) - correct
ZUGART = Train Catogory.. O / M / U ?? - correct
SIFA AKTIV = Sifa on/off - correct
SIFA WEG = Sifa Lamp - correct
SIFA ZWANGSBREMSUNG = Sifa Emergency Braking Lamp?? - correct
PZB STATUS = PZB Status?? - correct
PZB AKTIV/LM BETREIB = PZB On/Off?? - correct
PZB LM 85 BLACK = PZB 85 Lamp (85 lamp black) - correct
PZB LM 85 INVERT = PZB 85 Lamp off?? - I don't know. You can try to rename this control, start to drive the locomotive in the TS with PZB and keep an eye on missing lights in the PZB. When there is a missing light you know the usage of ... Invert
PZB LM 70/1000HZ BLACK = PZB 70 Lamp *1000Hz Black*??? - correct
PZB LM 70 INVERT = PZB 70 Lamp off?? - as above
PZB LM 55 = PZB 55 Lamp - correct
PZB LM 55 INVERT = PZB 55 Lamp off? - as above
PZB LM 1000HZ =PZB 1000Hz Lamp - correct
PZB LM 1000HZ INVERT =PZB 1000Hz Lamp Off?? - as above
PZB500HZ INVERT = PZB 500Hz Lamp off?? - as above
PZB/LM 500HZ = PZB 500 Lamp - correct
PZB LM BEFEHL40 = PZB 40 - Befehl Lamp - correct
PZB RESTRIKTION = PZB 70 - 85 Lamps Flashing?? (could also be the speed item on a train with displays. Like "VMAX = 45 km/h)
PZB WACHSAMKEITASTE = PZB Wachsam Switch?? - correct
PZB ZWANGBREMSUNG = PZB Forced Braking?? - correct (lamp i think)
LZB SIWTCH ON/OFF = LZB on/Off Switch - correct
LZB AKTIV/PANEL ON/OFF = LZB Status?? - It could also be the display for the meters (9900 meters maximum)
LZB DISTANCE/ 1000ER = LZB Numbers Thousands? - correct
LZB DISTANCE 100ER = LZB Numbers Hundreds? - correct
LZB LED BALKEN = LZB LED strip for below 5km - could be, i don't have a vR loco with displays 
LZB ML B = LZB B Lamp - correct
LZB ML ENDE = LZB End Lamp - correct
LZB ML S =LZB S Lamp (emergency brake (overspeeded))
LZB ML S_invert = LZB S LAmp Off?? - correct (or like above)
LZB ML G = LZB G Lamp - correct
LZB ML G_inv = LZB G Lamp Off?? - correct (above)
LZB ML H = H Lamp (run over a LZB stop or a red signal)
LZB ML H Invert = LZB H Lamp Off? - correct (above)
LZB ML UE = LZB U (with Umlauts) Lamp - correct
LZB ZIEL SPEED = LZB Target Speed?? - correct
LZB ZIEL SPEED (100er) = LZB speed digits 100's - correct
LZB ZIEL SPEED (10er) = LZB Speed Digits 10's - correct
LZB ZIEL SPEED (1er) = LZB Speed Digits 1's - correct
LOK-BREMSZYLINDERDRUCK = Train Brake Cyclinder Pressure - I think this is the Loco Brake Cylinder Pressure
ZUG-BREMSZYLINDERDRUCK = Loco Brake Cyclinder Pressure - I think this is the Train Brake Cylinder Pressure
HAUPTLUFTLEITUNGSDRUCK = Main Train Pipe Pressure - correct
FEDERSPEICHERBREMSE = Spring Brakes?? Parking Brake?? - Parking Brake
HOHE ABBREMSUNG = Hohe Abbremsung Lamp - correct
BREMSART = depending on the braking percentage (Bremshunderstel), can be G, R, or P