Beiträge von JachyHm

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    If you want, I can enable that download, but it prints every incoming message from signal.
    Which is actually not big problem in DE, as there are messages only on passing active magnets, but in Czech it means, that it tries to show more than 30 messages per second, which is actually quite a lot and it really slows the game, in some cases it ends even with dump message.
    Therefore I stopped the download.
    I had it enabled for LZBENDE markers, as it seemed to me, that it ignores some markers and I forgot to comment it back after tests.

    I will repair it immediately once I will be home, which should be about 2PM.
    Untill then you must unfortunately wait :(

    We have some plans to make complete NIM Express with BR102, but it is more complex.
    The cab is completely different, also the roof is different, some other details...
    I hope we can get complete documentation from Skoda, as they are usually even happy, that somebody likes their products.
    However not much of already finished things can be used, as it is completely different loco.
    Also the "Steuerwagen" is completely different, than standard German Dostoes, or Czech Dostoes. It is completely new thing.
    We will see in some month how it will go :)

    Okay, v0.9.4.1b uploaded.
    I changed bit how ARR (AFB) gets the speed from LZB, so it could now not exceed the speed limit.
    I also repaired some glitches in LZB and other safety systems while driving from second cab.
    German captions were added, so now hopefully you will know, what does what :P
    And definitelly some other things, which i just do not remember. :D
    Link is still same:

    Und ich habe schon gedacht, ich habe was vergessen, weil auch bie mir 380 001 stand.

    @JachyHm Thank you for your explanation regarding my questions. One other thing I just found while testing: When coming to a stop with 500Mhz interaction, the 70 and 85 start flashing not quite "right" as in the 70 too fast and the 85 slower. They are not the same speed.

    I know about this issue.
    I though it was repaired in yesterdays update, but actually it was not :D
    I will upload new update with some improvements from yesterday (LZB braking, this 70 85 in 500Hz restrictiv, changing Zugart with non zero speed and smoothen combined lever movements).


    Thanks for the feedback, what I mean, I change the PZB train type, it appears immediately in the display. That means, if the train is in train type O, the display shows an 85, I switch to train mode M while driving, I see a 70 or U on the display, then you see a 55.

    Okay, that is definitelly an bug. It should not be changeable with non zero speed.
    I will look on it :D

    Was sonst noch so auffiel: Richtungswahlschalter lässt sich auch in Fahrt umschalten, PZB-Zugart O-M-U Schalter lässt sich auch während der Fahrt auf andere Zugart umschalten.

    You can switch both Zugart and Reverser with non zero speed, but it will not have any affect.
    If you will change reverser position during driving, it will block traction until you will not put it back to corresponding direction.
    Also it will change its icon to red.

    But if you change Zugart with non zero speed, it will have absolutely no effect and the Zugart will change after stop.

    Meine Frage an euch weiß denn schon jemand wie ich den PZB Modus auf die Mittlere Zugart umgestellt bekomme wäre über Hilfe von euch sehr Dankbar

    If i get your question right:
    You can change PZB Zugart with Bremsart switch on the back panel [R = O/85; P = M/70; G = U/55].

    On the website is uploaded new actualised version 0.94b, which should repair all bugs in PZB/LZB which i notticed today in Trainsa´s stream.


    • Traction system markers are now usable also in scenarios
    • Repaired LZB speed pointer glitching and LZB ignoring some signals
    • Repaired blinking icons of 500Hz restriktiv modus
    • Pressing Frei with active LZB will now not cause LZB turnoff

    1. is there a way to change which panthograph is used or is that coded to the voltage?

    Yes it is. However normally it is not used, as every panto is made for specific condition of use one AC (1st) and second is DC.
    Anyway, you can manually select it by clicking "Ovl.p." on left display and then "Odpojovače a sběrače".
    Then there should be blue sign "Aut." and by clicking on it, you can choose out of "Aut.", "X1", "X2", "OBA" (both).
    But i do not recommend it to use, because then currents will be limited.

    2. in LZB mode the loco braked quite optiomistically, as in a bit late and thus was over the target speed. The braking could either be a bit more agressive or better start earlier.

    I did not try every condition, but with properly setted PZB Zugart and therefore proper brake curve it brakes in my opinion good enough. However i can change it bit.

    Nur gibt es keine Möglichkeit die SIFA extern abzuschalten oder bin ich da nur noch nicht hintergestiegen?

    Yes, as you said, there is no way to disable SIFA in AT/DE nationality settings.

    Also i discovered some strange bug with oscilating speed in LZB, so you can await next update soon :D

    About QD:
    I've got yesterday log from Czech user, who had probably similar problem, but he did not get "uncompatible" message, but even directly game crash after "successfully" loaded scenario. It shows cab and whole route and immediately after then it falls to ACCESS VIOLATION. :(
    We discovered way, how to make it "work" by loading different scenario first and only after that loading 380.
    But I watched the log yesterday carefully and there is nothing usable.
    No error at all.
    No mesh error, no attempt to compare nil with number, just nothing...
    I do not know, what can be this caused by, nor how to solve it :(
    But I promise we will work on it untill we find working solution! :D
    But for now we recommend not using QD.

    It was bit more complex, than i thought...
    I remade ARR (AFB), but then LZB did not behave corectly, so i had to rewrite whole LZB...
    But it is finally uploading, and what more, with English manual!

    How many hours did you spend to make this locomotive that good and to build so many functions that already work fine?

    Honestly. I do not know. I stopped counting somewhere about 1000, but i think, that i have now more than 5k... It is now almost 3 years of hard work. Of course, that i did not have time and mood to work on it everyday, but i tried.
    And i think, Kal000px will have something similair, maybe even bit more. Bit funny :D

    I made some bug in PZB, but its already repaired and I am now uploading patch to website.
    I think in half an hour it could be uploaded.
    Also i am now translating manual to English, however it is very simple one. I am also in touch with guy from forum, which will translate it to Deutsch.

    I really like to see, that our loco is favourite also abroad.
    However we did not expect so big interest, so we had some problems with servers in the morning ^^

    Have a nice evening,
    JaKal team

    And here little video from Czech (Zábřeh na Moravě - Olomouc) :)

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    I have his models, but i am worrying, that MIREL in Hungarian specification behaves sligtly (or maybe rather completely) different :/…%20na%20obsluhu%20v03.pdf
    Here you can see German manual for MIREL. "Einstellen der Arbeitsarten nach Spezifikation MÁV " is what we want.
    I do not know German on so high level i could understand this, but in Czech (respectively Slovak, but that doesn`t matter, as these two languages are almost same) description of Hungarian MIREL is really very, but very bad.
    And i have no illusions about German manual is smth different, than just machine translated Slovak manual, so...
    The only one, where it could be something understandable is Hungarian version of manual, but that is for me like Chinese... I do not understand any single word :D…%20na%20obsluhu%20v03.pdf
    But it seems to me, that it is still same as in Deutsch or Slovak, as it is same length... X(

    I know about one, which is being built. And he even uses hungarian signals. But i do not know from where, nor if they have script which sends speed pakets :( .
    Btw. the route is Budapest - Štúrovo, where are 380 operating in real, so this is the main reason why i want to make Hungarian version of MIREL :D .

    Hi there!
    So i come with some news from developing 380!
    We are working on it every day and night, so everybody can drive it as soon as only possible.
    But it is there still lot of work to do on it.
    In last month many things were made, mostly about safety systems.
    I repaired sounds in German beeinflussungs, added "Befehl40" programm to LZB, so you can drive against red signal on LZB (which was quite big problem, because we did not want to make whole engine room, where LZB störschalter is), completely reworked lights on PZB, restrictive modus, repaired also some minor bugs around 500Hz magnets (like confirming, passing them after befreiung, etc...).
    I also added speed controling on PZB (before it just applied emergency brake and you were not able to free yourself before stopping), now there is optical signalization with blinking G light, and emergency brakes are canceled immediatelly after speed is lower than limit.
    Some things about current systems were added. You can now choose from 3kV= / 15kV~ / 25kV~ directly at start of simulation by using loco ID prefixes. Or of course than by using triggers.
    Support for basic controlling from vR steuerwagens were added (thanks to Maik for his help! :thumbup: ) .
    Two additionals zugarts were added to LZB, so LZB now calculates three different brake curves for 0.25, 0.4 and 0.5m/ss based on PZB zugart (U, M, O - in fact, this should be based on input data to PZB, but unfortunatelly we can not simulat this :/ ).
    Whole speed controlling system was completely reworked, so now it does not oscillate around target tractive effort value. And also it uses more pneumatic brake then before.
    AI lights and pantoes were repaired.
    LZB End procedure was added.
    Whole PKP regime with SHP was succesfully added to MIREL.
    Also triggers for controlling current system were added and also support for existing ones was (only these, which i know about. So RailSimRomania`s and vR`s).
    And more and more smaller things and bugfixes.

    And now what still remains to do...
    I want to do Hungarian version of MIREL too, but i do not know, how it works at all, or even if Hungarians do have any scripted signals, which i could use. (so please, if someone knows, do not be afraid to contact me, here or anywhere else 8) )
    I also have lot to do with brakes. Actually 380 uses automaticly dynamic brakes, when driver lowers pressure in main pipe, but also it blocks pressure going to brake cyllinder on loco. So it is not as easy, as it could look. *nixda*
    Then lot of common bugs in throttle and circuit breaker controlling.
    Unresolved problems in sounds, which are not playing as they should and more and more.
    It is really lot of what to do.

    But to have something to look forward to, there is little video from ride from Wittenberg to Radis.
    Actually it had to present Befehl40 programm on LZB, but i am not able to play, or even record TS on my crap PC, so i asked my friend (who is the author of sounds and 3D model btw.) to record it and he didn`t get my instructions as I expected, so it is only a common ride on LZB in Deutschland :D:D:D

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    Czech class 380 is work of my friend and me. We are working on it more than 2 years for now, and yes, i can say that we are working also on other country "localisations".
    One of them is of course PZB (and because we want to ride 200km/h, also LZB!). These have some basics done yet. But it is really not finished.
    But i am not sure about some details of behaving on PZB.
    Unfortunatelly Skoda made their "own" version of SW layer for LZB, thus it is not behaving as other German locoes.
    For LZB i have quite detailed documentation, but almost nothing for PZB.
    Except of some basic "you have to press this on this signal", "befehl is used when passing stop signal with permission from FDL", etc...
    I found very exciting and usefull websites (, but even there is not everything about PZB.
    I only know about Skoda`s PZB, that it should be PZB90 SW version 2.1 based on / or directly from Siemens.
    F. e. i wasn`t able to find anywhere, if PZB does control speed "right at the moment", or only on end of brake curve (after time, or distance countdown). This is for me really important thing.
    And i have much more questions about it.
    I will really appreciate, if here is anybody who can f.e. record some videos of PZB really does, or at least test it in sim and send some feedback.

    Thanks in advance!

    And here are some teasers of "latest" progress, it ought to be mentioned, that this is not latest version of 380. It is almost month old. And I with a lot of coffee can do a lot of coding stuff during one month xD

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    And here our forum thread:

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