Beiträge von langshetspoor
I have moved now. So have all the time to work on a route. So here's the decision to make Enschede, Den Haag Central! Below you will read all the stations you will encounter!
Enschede -> Zwolle
- Enschede
- Kennispark
- Hengelo
- Borne
- Almelo De Riet
- Almelo
- Wierden
- Nijverdal
- Raalte
- Heino
- Zwolle
Enschede -> Glanerbrug
- Enschede
- De Esmark
- Glanerbrug
Enschede -> Den Haag CS
- Enschede
- Kennispark
- Hengelo
- Borne
- Almelo De Riet
- Almelo
- Wierden
- Rijssel
- Holten
- Deventer Colschate
- Deventer
- Twello
- Apeldoorn Osseveld
- Apeldoorn
- Stroe (Out of order)
- Barneveld Connection
- Barneveld Zuid
- Hoevelaken
- Amersfoort Schothorst
- Amersfoort
- Amersfoort Vlasakkers
- Den Dolder
- Bilthoven
- Utrecht Blauwkapel
- Utrecht Overvecht
- Utrecht CS
- Utrecht Leidsche Rijn
- Utrecht Terwijde
- Vleuten
- Hamelen Connection
- Woerden
- Woerden Connection
- Gouda Goverwelle
- Gouda
- Gouda Connection
- Zoetermeer oost
- Zoetermeer
- Den Haag Ypenburg
- Voorburg
- Den haag CS
Utrecht -> Maliebaan
- Utrecht Centraal
- Utrecht Blauwkapel
- Utrecht Overvecht
- Utrecht Blauwkapel Connection
- Utrecht Blauwkapel -> Maliebaan
- Utrecht Maliebaan
- Den Haag Laan Van Nieuwe Oost India (NOI)
- Den haag Hollands spoor
- Utrecht Vaartsche Rijn
The Route is far from finished! But there is already movement. Do you have a nice contribution you can share it with
The route is a total of 520 KM long in V1.0! There are new beta's every week!
Percentage of route: 10%
Traces: 100%
Top line: 5%
The signal 10%
Markers 90%Work 3 months on the route!
No Bugs Fount
the 2d Map
I have decided to use the final destination of the V1 Frankfurt Am Main HBF route! These are not used as Emplacenemt! But the tracks and heights do! Then you can build from Frankfurt!
The platforms The tunnels and the seas come fictitious. According to your own drawing! But the directions and the bills are just like the HBF! Then you can look further on from there!
I hope we agree. The station is big enough for the wrong for V 1 to 5 and also beautiful!
As for the environment!
This is also done fictitiously! It is only for the tracks and the platforms to be well placed. And any directions! From outside frankfurt Am main it becomes completely fictional (Anyway) Only the tracks are not.
If we do not agree, sorry.
As for scripts! I've been doing route scripts for 2 weeks! This also means that you get a different script on the route than on other routes. The route only comes with SAD and Virtual Railroads (Kwa Seinen and overhead and environment!) Kwa Rail I go to WOP V3.0. The platforms are big and partly of Decogrep!----
ScenariosTwo scenarios come with each version of the route. For a small payment you can buy one!
The route is freeware but the items are many payware!
The trains?
Yes of course there are triens on this route.You need everything from VR. Flirt of Christrains. BR 10 BR 18 BR 612 BR 640 BR 648 BR 641 BR 642 BR 643 BR 644
More info will follow!
On the photo The HBF
Frankfurt Am Riegel HBF Und Frankfurt Am Riegel Ost (Bahnhof)
Im Bau
Frankfurt Aan Riegel HBF (Im Bau)
After 3 weeks, nothing has happened to TS. And having it reinstated turns the weather as desired! And also saved for VR Stul
Have all Virtual Railroads trains. And I have the route now too!
For V1 money There is a route from +/- 15 Km and 2 major stations and 3 small stations
It's a single track line (but a doubling is being done!)
Now the route is in the central area (The busy area) There are V2 and V3 Lines in mountain planning! -
I dont like the fact that you are not using DEM for your fictional route.
It would be more interesting to drive on routes, which have little or big mountains or plains.Greetings
Dear Fabian. A fictional route does not have them unfortunately. This is only from existing areas in the world! A fictional route (The name says it all) is self-thought! So you have to design and think things yourself. And I think it's more fun than you crazy google maps! Sorry if I say that. But Dem Files do not get on my route! I am, but do not use them! But thank you for thinking about the route!
The Dem Files do not work! This comes .1 because he does not want to load and .2 I was already she i can TS Do not oblige things because the size can be 4GB and DTG Too bad is good!
I'm so done with TS's dumps it just hurts me. It works on my nerves again!
Another piece ready
The Dutch platforms Removed! And german Perrons Add!
P1: Abhausen Am See bahnhof Süd
P2: Abhausen Am See Hauptbahnhof (Looks As Den Haag, The hauge Centrale)
The 2d map on this moment
I have used Dutch stations like The Hague Central Building. I only feel so sorry that I can still find no German platforms that I can use well
I made another start for V1. After just made a nice drawing with a few ideas I have for V1 a route of up to 20 KM on the schedule with a big station. And many small stations and terminals of four tracks. The route will also get a lot of different heights!
Soms is het ook mooi
I have a new folder in the making. Here I put into use until now Dutch trains. But I've Taken folder. In that folder I'm working with German rail and train formations! The tracks are the same only different speeds and the signals become.
For PZB I therefore neiuws this will also have to then
Ideas are always welcome!
I have a Version of Abhausen Back
The first Verion
Thats desaster!
Das ist Sche...
Vreselijk!!groet märklin
Ja dat weer ik Märklin. Ik ga nu weer langzaam beginnen met de route. Sorry door de Late reactie. Ik ben niet zo lekker te pas en heb ook geen weekend gehad de afgelopen maanden/Half jaar. Maar ik ga weer eens kijken of ik de DE Techniek nog in de vingers heb
Op een ene of andere manier heeft Train simulator mijn route verwijdert en niet opgeslagen. terwijl ik dit wel deed
Gewoon mooi
Tnanks Engelbert
Het ziet er echt mooi, maar ik denk dat er problemen met de hoogte van de niveaus. Het lijkt erop dat er niet zo veel ruimte gelaten, met name in Afbeelding 3.
Ik heb deze extra Stel je voor wat er zal gebeuren met de Sbahn Tunnel Als de trein niet te gaan door het dak. Daklichten Exakt 04:55 M Hoogte (Sbahn traint in wop behoefte 04:40) Dus heb je altijd een speling in de hoogten en diepten. Maar ik mis veel helaas opjecten. Kunt u ons helpen met klokken en andere voorwerpen voor de Duitse platforms? Bijvoorbeeld, wat doet Chris traint. Als u een aandrijfplaat en als dan nog steeds de naam wijzigen door te klikken op het tweemaal. Hopelijk kunt u ons helpen om de route te mooier te makenNew Trains
BR 114
BR 474Plus
BR 232
Class 68 (BD Shanker)
BR 189 (MK)(Aerosoft)Heeft u een idee Quote moet altijd