ES64U2 'Taurus' HKX Dispolok repaint available for download..
Looks fine. It makes appetite for the coaches
Yes! What coaches do I need for the repaint?? Do they exist for TS?
I think this Waggons you can paint. For the Dosto you can paint a Waggon from the Metronom Pack. And the other waggon...
Ok, I have the metronom pack
but what about the other ones?
Found some info here: http://de.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hamburg-K%C3%B6ln-Expresshttp://de.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hamburg-K%C3%B6ln-Express
That looks about right. The wiki however talks about avmz wagons...
You paint the Avmz 111.1? Oh no this waggon i dont have....take the Bimz 264
no im just kiding paint what you will
Hahaha! Well I try to take the original wagon. If they use bimz's I will repaint that one
Found a decent model more suitable for repainting
I will start working on this next weekend...
Pretty awesome, I just have a broken repaint from HKX
Thanks a lot
If you want an already repainted Dosto for your HKX train, you will find DSB repaints (the HKX Dostos are DSB hired carriages !) here: http://www.railworks.dk
The Question is: which Dostos are required? The ME Dostos? Or vR?
These DSB carriages are ME repaints.
Thank you
first let me tell you your repaints are excellent, especially the weathered ones, thank you very much for them. However, one remark: it is actually a thing that applies to the MRCE repaint as well... don't you think that the two parts that hold the "handle" in the very front are too bright white? Wouldn't a more grayish look be more appropriate? Screenshot to show this attached.
Thank you! Thank you!
I agree, I also noticed that.. I will change it and share an update
To have it 100% correct the left one needs to be red, can't be done however because the two are copies ..
Any other things that need tweaking?
@Beneluxtrains: Are you saying that the HXK doppelwagons are already done and available on railworks.dk? That would be great! Than I only need to do the Avmz carriages