SBB RE460 'Tilsiter'

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  • Hi!

    I have reskinned an RE460 from Siberian Tiger and NewS with the Tilsiter livery. It is my first reskin so it might not be perfect but you can download the .rwp file from:

    Hope you like it :D

    <img src="" alt="Screenshot_Fantasyland-V6_47.20443-8.77742_14-06-01-1024x576.jpg" title="Screenshot_Fantasyland-V6_47.20443-8.77742_14-06-01-1024x576.jpg" style="font-size: 0.9em;" />

    "It's not about perfection, it's about progress"

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von TrainworX () aus folgendem Grund: UPDATE! Sound fixed and 100% black changed to darkgrey. File now contains only 'Tilsiter' version. Same link can be used to get new (v2) .rwp file.

  • Vielen Dank für schönen Repaint -Habe Lok inst. Leider fehlt mir der Sound . Nach überprüfung der Bin Datei stelle ich fest das auf " Class 101 Engine Sound_old.xml" hingewiesen wird .Dieses Problem habe ich auch schon bei anderen Repaints gehabt .Nun kann ich zwar auf die aktuell bei mir vorhandene" Engine Sound.xml " umschreiben und alles ist ok-aber es würde mich doch interessieren wann/wo "_old " Lok abgeblieben ist und warum viele aktuelle Repaints ( zB CZ Lokomotivpack und Re 460 Tilsiter ) sich noch Soundmässig darauf beziehen . Vielen Dank

  • Thanx for your kind reactions!

    I will make the suggested changes and post an update asap.


    Julian: I took the screenhot on my own created route.. I wanted to share this route when ready but understand that Simtrain will not allow me using their assets in the route, even when I do not put these in the .rwp file and therefore only people who already own SBB route 1 can make use of it...

    "It's not about perfection, it's about progress"

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von TrainworX ()

  • It's fictional. As this is my first route I started it mainly for fun and learning. My next route will be based on a real swiss route. I always had a fascination with the gotthard strecke including Erstfeld ... So I might start on the northramp with Erstfeld, Gurtnellen, Göschenen ..

    "It's not about perfection, it's about progress"