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  • I like to see all the work one put in deliver wonderful objects.
    (houses, bridges etc. ect.)
    What I would like to see are the trikcs of the trade: how they did it, so to speak.
    To use those objects other people made is ok but gives no satisfaction what so ever ;)
    I do hope you'll understand me.
    Kindest regards,

  • A new series of documents is now making its way to all the Rail Simulator developers world wide. These new documents differ from the main RSDevDocs by offering a simple step by step guide showing the user how to put together various elements of content for Rail Simulator.

    Aspects of each document include advice on creating the folder structure for your asset; methods for generating the model and applying its texture; as well as a simplified setup of the appropriate blueprint and finally locating it in the Rail Simulator World Editor for use in your route.

    Available online in the RSDevTools section already are the following:

    How to Create an Engine
    How to Create a Wagon
    How to Create a Loft Section
    How to Create a Scenery Object">

  • Yes indeed, I know those docs....
    Explaining something is not that easy but it should be.
    It was my job the last 15 years.
    To have people to understand, one needs to explain in a verry precise way ;)
    Above al, errors are not the best way to gain trust or to explain
    something to newbies.
    I do know a bit about Max but I gave up on the wagon ;)
    (A mont ago I didn't know Max at al)
    Have a look at the wagon-doc, model the wagon and show it to me ;)

    Kindest regards,

    PS die neue docs sint sche...
    Fiel so fiel Fehler.