Gold Star trains Multi Purpose Vehicle Pack.

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  • Released through ATS…919bk6FWRC-sv7ev1T1k2MTVU Price £21.99 for non members

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    GOLD STAR TRAINS® Proudly Presents – The MPV Rail Head Treatment Pack

    This pack brings to life the MPV in Train Simulator and was carefully constructed consulting a Network Rail operator at every step along the way. The vehicle controls are accurate, as is its behaviour. The pack features over twenty variations of MPV, extremely detailed driver and operator consoles (with 100+ interactive elements, including GSM-R, operator touch screen interface and working centre LCD instrument display), trans1 and trans2 unit arrangements, working APU and Jetter modules for spraying, a unique Module Loading System so you can specify exactly what modules the units are loaded with and genuine professionally recorded MPV sounds.

    The pack also comes with 31 pre-load consists ranging from the early Railtrack units with BMAC 1st generation light clusters right through to Network Rail with BMAC 3rd generation clusters. The pack also features approved use of Network Rail branding to add to the authentic MPV experience. Every numbered unit is available as well as the Network Rail SWT named units, ‘Chris Lemon‘, ‘John Denyer‘, ‘Nigel Cummins‘ and ‘Dick Preston‘.

    Included Vehicle Numbers

    Trans 1s (2 Prime Movers)

    DR98901 + DR98951, DR98902 + DR98952, DR98903 + DR98953, DR98904 + DR98954, DR98905 + DR98955, DR98906 + DR98956, DR98907 + DR98957, DR98908 + DR98958, DR98909 + DR98959, DR98910 + DR98960, DR98911 + DR98961, DR98912 + DR98962, DR98913 + DR98963, DR98914 + DR98964: Dick Preston (Orange), DR98915 + DR98965: Nigel Cummins (Grey), DR98916 + DR98966

    DR98917 + DR98967, DR98918 + DR98968, DR98919 + DR98969, DR98920 + DR98970, DR98921 + DR98971, DR98922 + DR98972, DR98923 + DR98973: Chris Lemon (Yellow), DR98924 + DR98974, DR98915 + DR98975

    Trans 2s (2 X 2 Prime Movers)

    DR98926 + DR98976: John Denyer (Pink), DR98927 + DR98977, DR98928 + DR98978, DR98929 + DR98979, DR98930 + DR98980, DR98931 + DR98981, DR98932 + DR98982

    We hope you have as much enjoyment from this pack as we have had making it.

    Scenario Requirements

    Tutorial Scenario

    ATS Chat Moss – Manchester Stations to Liverpool Lime Street via the Chat Moss

    *Please Note* this tutorial can be found under “Academy > Tutorials” from the main menu of Train Simulator Classic

    3S09 10.43 Chester to Wigan Springs Branch

    ATS Chat Moss – Manchester Stations to Liverpool Lime Street via the Chat Moss

    ATS / Imbue Class 185 Multiple Unit Pack

    ATS Drax Biomass Wagons

    Armstrong Powerhouse Class 66 Enhancement Pack *

    Armstrong Powerhouse Class 150/1 Enhancement Pack *

    Armstrong Powerhouse Class 150/2 DMU Pack

    Armstrong Powerhouse Class 156 DMU Pack

    Armstrong Powerhouse Class 319 EMU Pack Volume 1

    Armstrong Powerhouse Class 175 Enhancement Pack v2.0 *

    Armstrong Powerhouse Class 350 Enhancement Pack *

    Armstrong Powerhouse JPA Wagon Pack

    DTG Settle to Carlisle Route

    Fastline Simulation EWS ZCA Sea Urchins ex.VDA Wagon Pack (Available on Steam)

    3W74 05.36 Tonbridge West Yard to Tonbridge West Yard (RHTT)

    DTG Chatham Main Line London Victoria to Dover and Ramsgate Route

    DTG London to Faversham High Speed Route

    Armstrong Powerhouse Class 375/377 Enhancement Pack *

    Armstrong Powerhouse Sky & Weather Enhancement Pack

    6B39 11.25 Eastleigh Works to Bournemouth T & R.S.M.D.

    DTG South Western Main Line Southampton to Bournemouth

    Armstrong Powerhouse Class 66 Enhancement Pack *

    Armstrong Powerhouse Class 158/159 (Cummins) Enhancement Pack *

    Armstrong Powerhouse Class 444/450 Enhancement Pack *

    Armstrong Powerhouse JNA-C Wagon Pack

    Just Trains Voyager Advanced (2019)

  • There is now a very impresssive Update / Upgrade for the MPV available at (a detailed changelog can be found on Gold Star Trains Facebook Page - see the posting from 13.02.)

    MPV2.0 is now available...

    I'd like to thank everyone that helped make this project possible.

    If you already own the pack, just re-download.

    Thank you! 🙂