hi freidns
i want do some repaint of some loco
whre i can find a tempalte of that loco?
there sia white file to edit it?
thanks so much
hi freidns
i want do some repaint of some loco
whre i can find a tempalte of that loco?
there sia white file to edit it?
thanks so much
I hope this can help you.
otherwise plese name the loco you want to repaint.
haahah no man i saw this this is not my question
In other game -like omsi for example- in a folder you can extract a blanck bus and you can do a repaint
There is kind of in railworks?
If i want do a white loko startin gfrom a red br how i can do? "change color" in pohotshop???
There are no such templates in Train Simulator. You need to make a copy of the base locomotive (the base livery is irrelevant), and then you repaint it by painting over that livery. Because you made the copy, you will not overwrite the original livery, it will still be there alongside your repainted version. The video StS posted tells you what to do.
Also, please check your grammar and spelling before posting. Your posts are very hard to read.
undesrtood. thank everibody