How create and insert my custom logo in TSW2

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  • Hello everybody

    I like the livery editor inside tsw2 but there is a limit

    I cannot use my custom logo. How i can do it?

    One man sucessfully create a logo pack ( I downlooad it (is a .pak file) and in section logo inside livery editor i find 50 logo of official train company


    - i try to decompresse the file .pak with quikbms and the operzion was sucessfully

    - i try to open the decompressed files with umodel but here was a problem, i not see nobody

    (my focus was to export on efile in .tga file, edit with my custom logo, cook in unreal editro and reimport in the .pak file

    So what wrong?

    There is a way to do the same with a custom logo? Do you have a solution?

    Thank in advance to everybody


  • First of all, hi!

    On the limit thing: which limit do you mean? The layer limit or the amount of liveries limit? If you mean the second one, you can use the livery manager (Releases · RagingLightning/TSW2-Livery-Manager · GitHub) with a few settings in order to allow more liveries. It should be documented there. The first limit might be able to be changeable via hex-editing, but I don't know which file must be edited in order to achieve that.

    Now on the custom logo part:

    TSW 2 uses vector images for the livery designer, not normal images like .png or said .tga. These are not compatible with each other. And since UE does not natively support vector images, scripts or programs can't decompile the .uasset/.uexp files to vector images unless they are specially made to support that. Additionally, DTG uses their own file format (DTGVectorImage) and therefore plugin, so you can't import .svg's for example. Muff ( has found their own way to (de-)compile or convert said format in order to add/edit them. Also, they don't share their method.

    Solution: Either you find your own method to import vector images into TSW 2 or you can send your vector image (e.g. .svg, not .png, .tga or similar) to Muff so they can add it into their mod.

    Regards, irFlouz/FloribertHD

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  • Hi my friend yes "limit" was fot the second part

    Ahh ok. now i undesrtand

    Ok, im happy that MR. Muff find a method , im sad that they not share the method...

    Nooo, is my custom logo , Mr. Muff is doing only officla logo , i cannot ask him to do it for me

    Ok, now i know that i cannot, and i never find a way to do it :)

    thank you very much for your perfect explanation

