Train Sim World & Raildriver - WIP

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  • Hello,

    For Raildriver owners, since it is a very low priority topic for DTG and there's not even a date commitment, I've started working on a small project to control TSW locos with the Raildriver, using MacroWorks 3 and scripting.

    So far, so good, here is a sample video with the Class 43:

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    I'll do a few more locos and will release a 1st version in a few days.

    Feel free to comment/make suggestions.

  • Nice work man, I was thinking about getting this piece of hardware but ended up not buying it because of the lack of support for TSW and because I'm not really willing to do the coding to get it to work.

    But I'm glad that you're willing to do so. Hope you keep up the work and maybe I'll rethink my decision about buying the raildriver. ^^

  • And here is the AC4400CW video:

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    Next will be the GP38.

  • And the SD40-2, including working Dynamic Brake :) Still 1 loco and Heavy Haul will be complete, then I'll finish GWR.

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  • Auch sehr schön

    Ich hab spaßenshalber mal'n Lenkrad mit der BR 155 verbunden, Sifa via Pedale. Auch mal was anderes... War aber hauptsächlich ein Funprojekt das mal zu programmieren :)

    Einen wunderschönen juten Tach!
    +++ Strecken-/Aufgaben-/Skript-Ersteller Trainz. Macht gern mal 'ne Ansage. Bahnnerd, Modder in verschiedenen Simulatoren, Popcorntüte stets bereit *popcorn* +++

  • GP38-2 has exactly the same controls as SD40-2, so done too and Heavy Haul is complete. Have started work on the Class 66, quite different and will need different code too.
    BTW, big winter sale on TSW DLC so I'm going to buy at least 1 german DLC and work on the locos, which one is the best, Ruhr-Sieg Nord or Main Spessart Bahn?

  • RSN and MSB both contain two locos and a control car for the double-deck coaches. I'm not sure what your criteria for "best" is but if you're talking about which route is more fun to play I personally prefer the MSB route. Since the mastery update there are many tasks and rewards that you can get and I think thats quite fun. Also the landscape looks and feels better in my opinion.
    Tho it has to be said that with MSB you won't be getting the DB BR-143 so you won't be able to test out my Repaint for it. :(:D

    I can only say again that I'm appreciating you work, thank you!

  • Thanks for your great work,i have downloaded your file and it works great.
    Never thought i could use Raildriver on TSW as Dovetail have no interest in supporting Raildriver,im sure they could if they wanted to.
    You have showed them it can be done.
    Keep up your great work .
    Thanks G

  • Some German action today. A bit buggy due to game scenarios scripting bugs. For example when the script asks you to close the breaker, if you do it with the keyboard, the script does not "see" it, and you have to do it with the mouse anyway, this is visible in the video... same happened at the end with the brakes release, they were definitely released but the loco didn't start because that damn script was waiting for the action although it already happened, I had to pause the video to sort this out..

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    Edit: version 1.1 is online, MSB was quite easy since the 2 locos and the control cab have exactly the same controls :) Next one will be Tees Valley.

  • And some Class 37 Xmas action :)

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