Player Locos in 3dzug Scenarios

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  • Unfortunately 3dzug do not describe for each scenario pack what the player locos are, which is quite important for me to choose what packs I want.

    Would it be possible to get that information for the following products please?…extrazeit-vol--16-el.html
    (probably all vR 189)…_reisezeit-pl--mosel.html

    (425 all of them?)…zeit-pl--schwarzwald.html

    (111 all of them or some use RS1?)

    Thank you very much!

    In any case it would be great if 3dzug started to add this info into the pack descriptions.

  • This info is included in the German description (there is unfortunately no English version of the descriptions):

    Extrazeit 16

    player loco: VR 189 EL
    Koblenz-Trier route
    DTG 442 (included in Garmisch-Innsbruck "Mittenwaldbahn") for AI
    Verkehrspack Güterwagen (trafficpack freightcars)
    3dzug railcrane (included in the PLUS-Version of Extrazeit 16)

    Reisezeit PL Mosel

    player train: TSG 425
    ChrisTrains Flirt 3 optional
    3dzug freightcars pack
    Koblenz-Trier route

    Reisezeit Schwarzwald

    player train: VR 111 with red bilevel cars
    Stadler RS1 by christrains optional
    DTG 442
    3dzug trafficpack freightcars
    Konstanz-Villingen route + Hausach-Villingen extension

    This is the complete list of needed DLC's of the German descriptions.

  • That is true so far.

    You need some experience with these "zeit"-packs.
    Extrazeit contains solely cargo duties.
    Reisezeit: only passenger service.
    Fahrzeit: a mixture of both in many cases.

    to make it even harder these packs differ in Versions, i. e. you can have an EL or PL pack, where a 442 is AI only and in the standard edition or a pack without these "L"-edition you have to drive it.

    In many cases knowledge of the German loco numbering system can be really useful.