Caledonian Railway 6 wheeler coaches

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  • From UKTS…/mt-cr-6-wheeler-coaches/

    OUT NOW! New from Matrix Trains, Caledonian Railway 6 wheeler coaches in both 1880s-1890s CR livery and LMS Period 1 livery.
    The pack comes with for both liveries
    - Third Class Carriage
    - Full Brake Luggage Carriage
    - First Class Carriage
    - Composite Carriage
    - Brake Third Carriage
    - Brake Composite Carriage
    - Brake Composite Carriage from the Killin Railway on the Callander & Oban line.
    - Custom Sounds
    - Passenger views
    - Guard compartment views

  • I wrote to Tom and this is the answer.

    Hi there,

    Unfortunately due to copyright reasons, we no longer sell to the EU (UK and NI excepted) – this decision was only taken recently, hence why you were able to buy the CR 944 class on the 14th. I do apologise for this, and we will look at the situation as it develops. If we decide to sell to the EU again we will make an announcement on our Facebook page.

    Kind regards,


  • Hmm, this is not what was posted on UKTS by the creator of Caledonian Railworks,

    Re: Caledonia Works
    Postby Victorianlad on Sun Oct 21, 2018 9:48 pm
    holzroller wrote:
    Unfortunately it would seem that residents of the other EU countries cannot make purchases from DT at the moment. Much to the disappointment of some regular buyers.

    Im not totally sure why that is as I dont run the DT store but I believe it has something to do with the EU. We would have to pay VAT and LOADS of taxes to do EU sales and the issue is sales from the EU are only few and far between unfortunately. I think they are working on a way around it though so EU people can buy from the store.

    Holzroller in the land of Haggis and Whisky

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von holzroller ()

  • I contacted yesterday with Digital Traction because I', very intrested in the Caledonian Addons. The contact was trough Facebook account of Digital Traction. Here is the chat:

    Is there some possibility to buy your products in a future for european costumers again?

    It's a possibility wre're looking into, In the meantime some of our range is available from Just Trains and on Steam.Thank you.

    If there is anything specifically you want, please drop is an email and we can send some free products out.

    I'am asking beacause I love all the models from the Caledonian Railways.. You can see in my account (illi (at) that I own nearly all it. Now I was looking for the 6 wheelers, the wagon pack 1 and the 7832 class. So in this moment there are 3 addons but in a futere there ill e many mor I hope. For that reason I would like to buy this addons for money because I thnk you must receive a just reward for your magnifique work.Best regards from Spain.Gerhard Illi

    Hello Gerhard, I know DT is working out a way for EU people to buy products. However, if you would like to make a donation of the cost of the products to my paypal account, I shall send you all the products free.Kris

    So I hope that this perhaps can be a help to purchase Digital Traction products for european residents.