Steam Sounds Supreme Bulleid Light Pacific 'Working Days' Pack

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  • Just announced by e-mail as follows;

    It's not long now until the eagerly anticipated Bulleid Light Pacific 'Working Days' Pack will be released in our download store. We're pleased to say that it is now available to PREORDER and you can *SAVE 20%* on the eventual sale price. £9.40 for me at this moment with discount.

    Confirmed Pack Contents:

    - Bulleid Light Pacific Locomotive in Original Form -
    - As Many As 22* Individual Bulleid Locomotives -
    - All Locos in BR Brunswick Green -

    - Some Examples in Experimental BR Blue & Apple Green Liveries -
    - Scenarios -
    - Custom Cab -
    - Authentic Sounds -
    - CJB Particles & Script -
    - Quick Drive Ready -
    - Full Users manual to be Included -
    - Scripted Headboards -

    *More may be added before release

    PLEASE NOTE: All those who order this pack will receive a FREE Southern Railway Days Pack containing ALL appropriate examples of the Bulleid Light Pacific in Southern Railway livery.

    Pr-order is here…ic-working-days-pack.html

  • Schaut klasse aus! Habe die deutschen Dampfer zwar etwas lieber, aber von der Qualität im TS haben die Engländer immer noch die Nase vorn in Sachen Dampfloks!

    Edit: Man beachte die 22 (!) verschiedenen Versionen der Bulleid im Paket! Das ist 'ne Ansage!

    Nichts bewegt Dich, wie eine Drehstromlok Dampfstromlok.

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Lorenzo ()