SAD's Addon nr.3

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  • hi sad i found this also inside the game with the lods.
    but after i change my lods down im able to run my train on 45 fps (highest settings) and before the fix 15 fps so it was a great solution for me ;)

  • h

    hi sad i found this also inside the game with the lods.
    but after i change my lods down im able to run my train on 45 fps (highest settings) and before the fix 15 fps so it was a great solution for me ;)


    I tried to explain in the video that my problem is not in my models. They have working Lods. For the movie I specially did make testing asset for this. It is a object with:

    As you can see in the movie, they don't respond like they should. When I disable TSx engine they respond normally when they are a scenery object.
    Of course better lods will improve performance, but mine were not that bad that performance can drop from 90fps to 15fps, as soon as my tracks ase visible.

    When I am the only one with this problem, It should be in my drivers or settings in RW. Not my models are the problem,

    Has anyone the same experience in my route. (try Altenburg HBF, I can hardly escape from it, so slow!)

    Greetz SAD

  • Hey SAD,

    it's a pity, i have the same problem. ;(
    I want to change a scenario - and also flying around or make some movements in editor is extremly slow. It feels like having a computer which is ten years old. Before the update all works very fine.
    When i then start a scenario it sometimes looks like watching a picture book. The frames are sometimes or often much under 14 or 15 fps (RW don't display the correct fps value below 14 or 15 fps).

    I hope we can find a good solution. RW 3 is great but when users can only enjoy the new features with a minimum of grapic details, it's not really a finished game. So i hope RSC will also improve some points.

    Wish you really good luck! I love your route so much! :love::)

  • Hi sad

    its not realy strange with this 3d sleepers in txi mode. to heavy loading on your hardware. so i do some testing so im able to think on your situation. i do a first test with 10 long tracks no problem. change it to 20 track in a small space yes and the frames drop again on my situation. im also tested the elevation on my 3d tracks it works but my sleepers dissapear on one side inside my bedding. so the curved tracks are also not working good on 3d sleepers. its possible but i dont like it.
    so this week i fire up photoshop and photoshop my sleepers on my track bedding like the normal railworks tracks i dont like it but it works better than this ;) and hopefully it looks good with the loftbumpshader with a nice bump mapping.
    and maybe a good work around for your route in this stage everybody have this slow problem now on your koblitzer bergland.

    and about the lods hopefully railworks will fix this soon.
    and if i found something helpful than i let you know about it Siegfried. good luck

  • When i then start a scenario it sometimes looks like watching a picture book. The frames are sometimes or often much under 14 or 15 fps (RW don't display the correct fps value below 14 or 15 fps).

    Hi SAD!

    the same problem on my computer! I like your track very much (especially "SAD... newballast") and I've been using it for a few months while building my route (which became almost 60km in lenghth now!). My route functioned quite fluently... After the update (RW2->RW3) it turned out that my route is now like a picture book (14fps!!!-> see the picture below). Can you believe that? I checked other tracks and then I had suddenly 50-70 fps! Am I suppose to exchange my older track? It woul be a pity to start sth new because I wanted to build and expand my existing route... Maybe that's not only a problem as far as your assets are concerned, but I've been experiencing problems with fps only with them. SAD - help! *heul* Are you planing some updates? It would be great, because many of us use your tracks.



    Hallo Guys,

    Yes I am making a update. Please do not remove my tracks! They are updated with simplified models of the details. (but it still looks good)
    I also did receive a message from It is a bug, so it should be solved.
    The TSx machine does drop your fps a little bit, but such a large amount is due to this bug. My sleepers have a lot of faces. This is not a problem when only 10 are displayed detailed..but when a 800 are displayed in full detail....
    The sleepers are instanced by the game engine. This is quite good when using a large amount of similar basic objects. (like in a block asset decall), but is not good for large lofts, like 500 m of double track.

    Please look here Uk Trainsim forum
    SAD Railsim

  • Video about finished update, soon for download at Aerosoft. (for free) Version 1.2. Concrete tracks are not killing your graphic card and fps anymore.. I bought a new one, to check the runs smooth again. In this video, still my old card was used, still Oké, but I got fed up with the crashes.
    Soon the Liebherr900 engine will also be updated and for download here. Mfg Siegfried.

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    Regards SAD

  • ah okay aber versteh ich richtig das die blöden abstürze nun behoben sind mit der something........ fehlermeldung??^^

  • ah okay aber versteh ich richtig das die blöden abstürze nun behoben sind mit der something........ fehlermeldung??

    I am not for sure, but it stopped in my case. (updated my PC)
    it also stopped when starting the route with lower graphics setting, but it should be a lot better when you install the update.

    Next project: try to reform my tracks in 2D versions for better performance for every user, not only the game monsters pc's


  • I am not for sure, but it stopped in my case. (updated my PC)
    it also stopped when starting the route with lower graphics setting, but it should be a lot better when you install the update.

    Next project: try to reform my tracks in 2D versions for better performance for every user, not only the game monsters pc's


    Thanks SAD ;).

  • Ich habe mal heute -Montag, 24. Oktober 10 Uhr 45- über mein Account bei Aerosoft nachgesehen, ob die von SAD angekündigte Version 1.20
    zum Download für den Ex-Käufer zur Verfügung steht.
    Dies ist bisher nicht der Fall.
    Schade. :(



  • Hi to all,

    Sorry for letting you wait so long.. the situation is now:

    -version 1.2 for Koblitzer Bergland is changed again. ( I was still not satisfied with the results, so I changed tracks again)
    -I have changed the tracks to 2D tracks on base of my own tracks. No visible change in train, but a lot better FPS, giving more fun playing.
    -I have improved Altenburg-Wildau for TS2012 (except trackworkd etc, so older scenario's should still work), with also the new tracks and many lightning effects in tunnels and at night.

    The bad news... version 1.2 is still not ready for download.

    The good news: Altenburg-WIldau update will be at this weekend (in the night from saturday to sunday, i will upload the stuff)
    of course for free. Tracks are included, scenery items improved, new version of Liebherr engine included. After installing this update for Altenburg Wildau, also Im Koblizter Bergland will work a lot better.

    Thanks for waiting,
