BR 643 (Talent) für RW

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  • Wenn ich deine blog anschaue steht dar diese bericht,
    New german loco arrive this month.

    mit diesem datum, Wednesday, 01 February 2012

    Kännt du mahl sagen was für eine loc das ist und wänn er komt, es ist nun ja der dritte von märz.
    Auf der Niederländische forum ist von eine neuer Deutsche loc keine rede, nür dieser, so ich frag es mahl hier.

    Mit freundlicher grüss aus die Niederlände

    Marc D. :D

  • its not the talent Marc d. it's a loco is nothing secret on the talent.
    Other german loco is in final stage/beta. full of sound, scriptings. only some new problems found inside big amount of scriptings of the model.

    talent comes between june or august. this month official detailed news about the talent!

    2 Mal editiert, zuletzt von fopix3d ()

  • no lempi not the 152 ,

    if you think you know wath it is you can still leave a messages on my website.

    there is also a new screen from it !

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von fopix3d ()

  • @fopix3d Signing up does obviously not work on your page. I keep getting redirected to the login page when clicking "Create account". Sign in with Facebook does not work, either (button doesn't do anything).

    However, my guess is, it's a class 110 218. And that would be absolutely awesome :)

  • Yes, it works now. I however didn't allow your application to do so many things with my facebook account. Honestly, the amount of permissions it asks for is pretty massive. 8|

    hi tim

    application dont do anything with your acount it read only your username and some info to fill the account in the first time. not anything about your private information.
    this login method only make a secure connection to facebook. and face book gives only a detail back. yes this user is logged in on facebook. you also able to make an account on the normal way on the website.

  • Wenn VR schon eine Kooperation mit Fopix in Sachen Raubkopien eingeht, warum dann nicht auch in Sachen BR218 (Spekulatius on)? *jippy*

    Ironie, die

    feiner, verdeckter Spott, mit dem jemand etwas dadurch zu treffen sucht, dass er es unter dem augenfälligen Schein der eigenen Billigung lächerlich macht. (Duden Online)

  • yes with piracy i support vr ihh and allot more developers. if i can help i help and some developers help me also. like ulf from vr. and daniel from ihh. the english side of railworks. all my projects are my own products and i dont work with other companys. on this moment i work only togheter with train companys like the DB this are my partners with my projects. if the db dont like my projects then it will not be available. thats why my projects are official licensed. so fopix3d operate alone one man work thats why you guys need to wait longer for releases. all models need to be build from the ground up no msts conversions!! , investigations need to be done inside germany include sound recordings, on this moment allot people know me as a developer with trains in my backyard of railworks. no releases yet, yes i know i spended more then 2 years to know exact all options inside railworks , i can only say on this moment im able to understand all parts of this game . from route building till train designs. from notepadd ++ till lua scriptings, from sound recordings till ingame sound. im able to create every object and every possible stuff for railworks, but its all one man work with 2 great beta testers that try to support.

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von fopix3d ()

  • Thanks Fopix, for the inside-view, it was only a guess from my side, since VR explained some weeks before that they will build a BR218 Expert line.

    Ironie, die

    feiner, verdeckter Spott, mit dem jemand etwas dadurch zu treffen sucht, dass er es unter dem augenfälligen Schein der eigenen Billigung lächerlich macht. (Duden Online)

  • Thanks Fopix, for the inside-view, it was only a guess from my side, since VR explained some weeks before that they will build a BR218 Expert line.

    no problem ingvar :) not everybody know how i work:) and some times its my job to explain people so you guys know a littlebit more about me and understand how its going

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    some work done today on te talent. some new rain effects that move correct on the front windows. on the left side and the right side it move correct over the curved sides of the windows . new wiper system finished. and some new sounds added . sounds! yes i need to tweak that. on this moment to loud for the game.

  • I like theese paralellogramm wipers. Wow, such little details, like curved raindrop tears. Sorry, if my english is not so good, it´s a long time since shool now

    no problem about your english my english is also not best. im also understand german mixed with english. :D this train gets allot of option on its release. maybe to much great options but i dont care i wanth allot on this model. i dont know yet waths happening if i reach the 2000 lines of lua or more. hopefully it dont gonna pull the preformence down but i hold my eyes on that.

  • 2000 lines or more are not really a problem. The vR BR143 EL has more than 2000 lines in one LUA file at all (with included modules). It's the way of coding these linses or "functions" (procedures). You can put 10000 lines in there without any problems. You have to "pause" your actions in the Update() function if they are not needed in each update cycle. As an example, you don't need to react or set control values if they are not changed. In most scrips from other vehicles they do so. And you don't need to check the current value of a control on ervery update cycle. Put delays in there and compare previously stored values with current values. If they are changed then react, otherwise do nothing. That's saves the performance a lot. Every "Call()" needs time and pulls down the overall performance of your script. So call the system only if you really need it.

    (c)2050 :D