BR 643 (Talent) für RW

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  • so guys great news. moste parts of the pzb are fixed now and running inside program modus. inside slices! works for my eyes good now done some test runs on the koln route. lovely bussy driving time :P driving with sifa and pzb is totaly diferent. for me a new world. i only testing creating stuf not realy driving inside railworks. for me afcourse loads of fun and loads of emergency brakes :P littlebit to much work with the mouse inside the cabin :thumbsup: for you its not new afcourse moste guys here driving already on maik his work. he done a great job on that. so for me i never wanth to stay behind , started now a couple 9 months ago on lua , done lessons after that reading , looking days/ weeks on the site. im just a guy that wanth to know wath he is doing and wath i can do. for my friends they missed me the last time , spending hours inside my scriptings making drawings and dont hold my head of that if you do that , then all going wrong on that :P so lucky this working allot better than my older creation. im looking forward to start on the complete beta test of it. for now the pzb running on the normal routes inside easy mode i call it easy mode due the missing pzb 500 hz magnet. its not easy its stille running complete pzb programs like they due. explained inside db documentations. extended will reading the 500 hz also completely.

    im still not shure if i release the pzb inside the first release of the models but shure than that it comes inside the updates. so first the complete betas. if im happy and my beta testers than i make it ready inside the models.

  • Wie ja in dem verschobenen Thema stand das der Talent "morgen" kommen soll... würde ich gerne wissen wo das steht... auch wenn ich denke das das nicht so ist! *heul*

    @Fopix3d... I hope its the same Horn in your Train...

    Eisenbahner im Betriebsdienst - DB ZugBus Regionalverkehr Alb-Bodensee
    Baureihenbefähigung: 111, 146.2, 147, 218, 245, 401/402, 407, 425/426, 611, 612, 628.4, 650

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Marcel Kühne ()

  • Aber ist das am Ende nicht total wurscht wo Du doch ohnehin schon weißt das dem offenbar nicht so ist? Immer diese Ungeduld.

  • i dont know anything about an release date ??? first or around the second guarter is a big time
    Im leaving this forum for a little time !!! im on this moment realy bussy and cant effort to much time inside chatting and send messages! importand or support? please send me a mail.

    importand reminder for customers !!!!! details follow . long time ago i write this already on my site. i wanth to remind you all again on this !!! there are also some customers with wrong detailed home address information. please correct this! wrong detailed information = fraud and accounts will be disconnected !! please inspect your order details

    Dear Customers,

    Soon we start with our big migration to our new shopping solution. after this you receive an personal account for your downloads.

    Please hold your old order information ready and please let us know if your email is wrong in our system. if your email is still active you receive your new account details on your email. Please feel free to contact us with any questions regarding this migration.

    Liebe Kunden,

    Wir eröffnen in Kürze unseren neuen Web-Shop, der Ihnen einen besseren Zugang zu Ihren Downloads ermöglicht. Sie erhalten daraufhin per E-Mail alle Details zu Ihrem neuen persönlichen Benutzerkonto.

    Bitte halten Sie Ihre früheren Bestellinformationen bereit und informieren Sie uns, falls Ihre Email-Adresse nicht mehr aktuell sein sollte. Bei weiteren Fragen zu unserem neuen Web-Shop können Sie gerne mit uns in Kontakt treten.

    5 Mal editiert, zuletzt von fopix3d ()

  • hi all

    i place an project road map online ! so nobody have to ask me ever for an release date. littlebit offtopic but not needed to create an new topic for that.
    this list will be updated after an development stage is = finished . just follow you know wath we planning. INV is not shure just collecting all needed info for a project.

  • pzb 90 inside action on the munchen line !!! :D
    500 hz activated the restrictive modus because we halt on this situation
    System can operate inside 3 modus.

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von fopix3d ()

  • @Fopix3d... What are you thinking about the 643... Do you have any problems with this train now? Is it BETA? Or is it coming soon?

    Eisenbahner im Betriebsdienst - DB ZugBus Regionalverkehr Alb-Bodensee
    Baureihenbefähigung: 111, 146.2, 147, 218, 245, 401/402, 407, 425/426, 611, 612, 628.4, 650

  • to make it clear i go back to germany one extra time to do some high quality recordings because it drive now with lint 41 motor engine sound. because this train has an gearbox and not like an 644 engine the engine sound is amazing diffecult to do sound editing. sound bleuprints are already ready made its only editing new records and change the lint engine to talent recording. small stuff
    im not happy yet. i gonna do again one cabin ride to make some stuff clear for my self !!.
    small parts like the sifa some pzb questions. i wanth to talk again with the train driver for that small stuf if thats ready than i put the machine inside release betas !! if the weather is oke this month than i meet inside germany.

    release betas are small test with the shop, and if the engine is easy to install.

  • saurer580:

    Na dann halte ich mal brav meinen Hintern hin... *lach*

    Als Potentieller Kunde darf man doch wohl mal nachfragen, oder? 8)

    Viele Grüße

    Florian Lange