GBE payware route add-on:SFS Ingolstadt-Nürnberg (KBS 900) V1.01 route add-on package and its AI Vehicles on the autobahn/motorway cannot move as in reality!

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  • Hi,glad to meet you,I'm a Railworks/TrainSimulator fan/enthusiast/zealot from The Far East,I'd like your GBE Payware route add-on masterwork or masterpiece:SFS Ingolstadt-Nürnberg (KBS 900) V1.01 route add-on package,but I've found that there're many so-called static AI vehicles on the highways or motorways(or there's a variety of static AI vehicles on the highways or expressways/motorways),namely that it meant all AI vehicles cannot move on the autobahn/motorway or highway at all,they're just static unfortunately,I think it's a bit regrettable,I hope you can try your best to improve it,for example,set them as movable AI vehicles as soon as possible.besides,you should put a few roadside/wayside power substations into this route add-on,and add current feeder wires system between the power substations and overhead catenary wires into the route add-on,this will make it become much more realistic,wonderful and sophisticated ultimately,make it become the world's most realistic Train Simulation game program,bring about us Railworks/TrainSimulator fans more funs/joys and the shock of realistic driving/operating in it.All the best to you,See you,good luck Sincerely yours/Best regards/Kindly regards *^_^*

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Pinocchio_123456 ()