Eine Frage an Absolutes Chaoz

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  • Hi,

    I have downloaded all of your brilliant Scenarios today (and spent over 250 Euros at the vR shop to make them work).

    I just tried "A hard day" (Ein harter Tag), and realised that it doesn't use any of the 3 vR BR140EL trains I have, but one which came as part of a pack. Having spent over 250 Euros already (my wife will divorce me) I could not bring myself to pay another EUR22,95 to buy a Lok which I already have.

    I tried swapping the 2 BR140s with the vR ones I own, but when I load the scenario I just get a black screen followed by a dump.

    Is there any way I could possibly play your fantastic scenario without having to buy another Lok (which I already have)

    Thanks for all your hard work ,

    From your European Brother in Brexitland


  • Thank you for all the quick replies,

    I will delete the StartingSave.bin and see how it goes :)

    Thank you for all your hard work!

    @Fabian Nds,

    I just upgraded my system this week, and now have an i7 6700 overclocked to 4.6GHz, a GTX1080 card and 16GB of DDR4 3000MHz memory :D

    The strange thing is that even though I get 80-110 fps a lot of the time, leaving Köln and entering Koblenz I still only get 18-22 fps.

    And of course none of this helps the fact that it is a 32bit application, so still crashes when the memory reaches 3400-3500 :thumbdown:

    Thanks again.

    ps. AbsolutesChaoz, the link to the OEBB Eurofima wagen on your BR103 Aufgabe from Köln to Koblenz (A022) links to the wrong download (it links to the DB Eurofima instead of the OEEB ones). :P

    pps. I have just got the scenario working, but now I have a problem with what to do. After a train passes from behind, I get a Zs8 (the three white dots under the red signal). I Befehl 40 through and continue. Now some questions:

    1. Later on there is a orange vorsignal on the other side (right side) of the track, but nothing on my side because I am still on the opposite track. I need to acknowledge this with the wachsam switch, even though there is no signal on my side. I then get to a white Ra 12, so I continue. A bit later it derails.

    Do you need to acknowledge vorsignale on the opposite track when driving with gegenverkehr?

    Should I have not gone through the first signal with Befehl 40 (even though I got the 3 white dots)?



  • On your side (Gegengleis) there is a single "Ne2" it's called "Vorsignaltafel". If there is only a "Ne2" you have to handle this like a signal showing "Halt erwarten" (two yellow lights).
    If your train or one ai train derails, something is wrong within the scenario, maybe because you have changed the rolling stock.

    Ganz liebe Grüße an alle meine Fans im Forum!
    Quality-Pöbel since 2011

  • Thanks for replying,

    Just after I get past the Bahnhof in Uerzig, about 400m before I get to the Weiche to take me back onto the correct side, my train derails and I get a "Derailment due to consist tilt" message. It has done it both times I have tried.

    I am only travelling at about 35km/h at the time.

    Thanks again, I know that you don't have to help as I have changed the train.



  • You can try reinstall the scenario and give it another try. Swap all 140s and delete the StratingSave datas. Clear the cache after that and try it another time.
    It's hard to tell what's wrong, because i have no problems at this point of the scenario.

    Ganz liebe Grüße an alle meine Fans im Forum!
    Quality-Pöbel since 2011

  • Thanks,

    I uninstalled, reinstalled, changed to a slightly different BR140EL and tried again.

    It all seems to work perfectly (I haven't completed it yet, because after coming out of the Kaiser-Wilhelm Tunnel I was on Stuffe20 whizzing along at 88km/h and suddenly I saw a yellow versignal. I turned the wheel to 0, put on MAX braking, but still went through the red signal at 15kmh ;(

    Great scenarios!

    I played the Eisige Fracht scenario yesterday, and it is by far the best scenario I have ever played (including all the payware ones)