DTG Blog spot and Twitch : LUA Scripting for scenarios

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  • From a post on UKTS, this may be interesting for the English speakers here.

    Hi all, Just wanted to pop in and let everyone know did i've started a new blog that will be covering various technical topics more about content creation in TS2015 - starting with using LUA scripts in Scenarios to get things like Cinematic Cameras, HTML pop -ups, audio, video, weather and so forth working. 5 articles are up so far and the intention is to add to it every day. I also did a full segment on my Twitch show on this subject did goes through a lot of it Relatively Quickly (the blog is taking a much more in depth look at each topic) - but there's plenty in the video to get the grasp of how it all hangs together and what is possible. The blog is at: http: // trainsimlive. blogspot.co.uk The YouTube recording of the segment is here:

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    Lastly, if you want to check in on my Twitch show - Train Sim Live - Which Usually runs 21 : 30GMT every weekday night you can find it at: http://twitch.tv/mattpeddlesden - Usually it's just running a variety of scenarios and stock but I'm aiming to get tutorials covered too, there are already a number of them ( All recordings are stored on YouTube so it's all there if you wanna check it out later). Feedback welcome! Apologies for the intrusion! Matt.

  • Absolut Spitze. Endlich jemand der eine fundierte Einführung in die Möglichkeiten des Lua Scrpting gibt. Das Video ist Klasse und zeigt ein paar einfachere Anwendungen wie Nachrichten Fenster, Cinematic am Anfang oder Geschwindigkeitskontrolle. Im Blog hat es dann noch mehr und es sollen noch mehr Beiträge kommen, z.B. über das Wetter, also ran an die Arbeit und Scirpten.

  • Thanks Holzroller,

    For bringing this up , pictures (video) say more than words. :thumbup:

    Ironie, die

    feiner, verdeckter Spott, mit dem jemand etwas dadurch zu treffen sucht, dass er es unter dem augenfälligen Schein der eigenen Billigung lächerlich macht. (Duden Online)