Now available from UKTS thread here (Dropbox link in thread) or alternatively here…php?view=detail&df_id=124 At the moment the author has it working on his machine and is asking for people to download it and try it on their installations. Instructions are in English only at the moment, this should allow the use of raildriver with scripted commands. This should be regarded as a beta at the moment I think.

New TS2015 Interface for Raildriver
Now updated.Post with details courtesy of UKTS;
I have released v1.01…php?view=detail&df_id=124 which fixes the following: TS2015 Raildriver Interface1. Added option to select the location of your Railworks folder due to an error in the railworks installation program not updating the registry properly. This can happen if you install Railworks anywhere other than the default location.2. Hide the buttons in the calibrate Raildriver form to prevent users trying to calibrate the buttons as well as the levers when it's only necessary to do the levers and lighs/wiper switches..3. Updated the engine script location documents in respect to the class 166 which due to yet another inconsistency in Railworks needs the engine simulation script and not the engine script edited with the Engine Script Editor.4. Added the option to turn the Speaker on/off on the Raildriver (untested).Engine Script Editor1. On the wise suggestion of Jim (Nobkins) at, I have ammended the Engine Script Editor to append .rdbak instead of .bak to the end of the renamed engine script files just in case there are other backup files in the railworks folder you wish to delete without deleting the original engine script files by mistake. Don't worry if you have edited your files already, they will still work, just be careful if deleteing .bak files.Engine Script Locations pdf/doc1. Again thanks to Jim (Nobkins) he found that the Class 166 does not work if you edit the engine script files I suggested in the pdf/doc.Instead I found you need to edit the simulation files instead, pdf/doc updated with engine simulation file location. There is no need to undo the changes you made to the engine script files although you can if you want to. This is yet another example of the problems I faced in designing this softwareTS2015 Interface Readme doc/pdf1. Updated to V1.01 and tutorial updated to reflect the changes made in both programs. Changes highlighted in blue.Hopefully that should solve most peoples problems but as always, let me know either way Chris -
This has now been updated, same download link. I have also been given permission to upload it to this site. I am currently seeing if I can arrange a translation to make it more accessible to all users of the site. The documents will be translated over the weekend courtesy of RalfK. Once I have them I will upload the interface package to this site.
Now uploaded and awaiting authorisation with German readme kindly translated by RalfK
The author is now working on Version 2. If anyone has some features they would like to include or any issues, can they please post here and I will pass them to the author. Alternatively if you are registered on UKTS you can post on the thread there.
I have just uploaded a new version with an updated getdata and .exe. This allows use with the new AP/Wagaonz RL class 40 and some other cabs that did not initially work.
A massive update to this, hopefully I will upload a this to this site with a German read-me in the forthcoming week. For those confident in their English you can use the link below if you don't wish to wait for this.
Quote from UKTS post
This is a major update to automate the extraction of all data and editing of all the engine script files with the press of one button.Changes made:-
Data Extractor & Engine Script Editor (Replaced)
1. Now combined into one program (Railworks Editor) that automates the process so that the clicking of one button will
1. unzip all AP files
2. Extract the engine.bin and Inputmapper data
3. Extract the locations of the engine scripts to edit and edit the scripts
4. There is also the option to select a single asset to extract
5. There is no longer a need to install 7zip
See the Railworks Editor Readme.pdf inside the Railworks Editor folder for instructions on using the new softwareTS2015 Raildriver Interface
1. Added extra controls names (these will be placed in a text file for easy editing in the next release so you can add them yourself without having to wait for a new release)
2. When you assign a button in the Edit Keymap, if the button is already assigned then that assignment is removed to stop one key sending more than one command.
3. Moved supplied 'keymaps' to 'keyMaps_Supplied' folder and only copy them to keymaps folder if the keymaps folder does not exist as in first time use. This stops your keymaps being overwritten when you update to a newer version.
4. Set the culture to InvariantCulture which should fix the problem of non english languages having to change their decimal symbol from comma to full stop. As yet untested.Railworks_Getdata_Script.lua
1. Added extra control names
2. You can now use the keyboard or Raildriver levers at the same time
3. Updated script to only send changed values rather than values all the time. Speeds up execution.Calculator Notch Values
1. Extended the Max/Min ranges so values less than -1 and greater than 1 can be input.
2. Added button to copy values to clipboard for pasting into TS2015 Raildriver Interface.Engine_Script_Location.pdf/xls
1. Removed as no longer neededTS2015 Interface Readme.pdf/doc
1. Updated to reflect changes in data extraction.
2. Added quick setup section.Please note that if you are upgrading from a previous version, you need to copy the new Railworks_Getdata_Script to your plugins folder and overwrite the old one.
You can also copy all the files and folders from the enclosed TS 2015 Raildriver Interface folder into your current folder. Doing so will keep all your current keymaps and setting.txt files intact.
You can also delete the Engine Script Editor V1.01 and TS2015 Data Extractor V1.02 as these have been replaced with the Railworks Editor.
Finally just replace the CalculateNotchValues with the current one.The software can be downloaded from…php?view=detail&df_id=124. I have uploaded to UKTS also but am awaiting its approval.
Great, the RD can control the German locomotives ! Installation is very simple ! If not 2.0 , from the United States to spend a lot of money to buy the RD back to China , I can only idle .Thank you very much!
Vielleicht solltest Du Deinen Text noch einmal in deutsch darunterschreiben für die deutschen Forennutzer. Oder in Deiner Muttersprache.
Englisch ist das, wwas Du geschrieben hast, jedenfalls nicht.Gruß