Welcome to this a lock I have a problem. he sticks to not raise up, and you can not go there is something wrong with him.

Probleme csitti_taurus_repaint_pack1
Hallo, you have to update the loco via the installer, because he not used the reskin bluprint.
kind regards -
You intsalled the latest base package, and have a problem just with this loco?
It happens. in each of the lock of the pack, or I can not go inside. or sticks will not argue what I do. the other is good.
This is how to help. Finally, somebody, please.
You have not answered that you have the latest version?
Unfortunately my knowledge of English is weak! -
I do not have the new version. and may be in some other way to remedy.
You have to buy the loco before you can play this repaints
How am I supposed to buy. I do not have much money. for one loka have to pay 13.99 Euro, no such somewhere to 3.99 euros.
For 14 euros you get a so many Locomotive!
Two types: ES64U2, ES64U4
Lots of repaints!
http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-4kuw…013-11-27+13-39-56-00.png -
And i think it`s the best locomotiv in the TS whit all his functions.
schön langsam komm ich zur Überzeugung, dass man den User "Rali" ignorieren sollte.
Hab mir seine Beiträge mal durchgeschaut, der Polaki ist einfach eine Vorgabe.LG alfa54
It's probably from the 70s or 80 zł for Polish, I have 14 euros. only 3.99 and I see that by not buying a paysafecard on this site unless Give them to me. as a friend These Turasy. :XD