REAL DRIVE advanced scenarios between Wörgl and Brenner. EVERYTHING in a REAL DRIVE advanced scenario is randomized (except the route of the player train). Just the combinations of places where you might be stopped by a red signal can exceed millions of permutations. All trains and rolling stock on sidings are random generated too. Just like in real life the railroad line can be busy or not so busy. Ofcourse it can also happen (very rarely) that the line is free all the way.
Zusätzliche Informationen
- Autor
- Kim Olesen
- Version
- 1
- Spielerlok-/Zug
- Your choice, it's a quick drive scenario.
- Strecke
- RSSLO Unterinntal Kufstein Brenner
- Benötigte Payware
- RSSLO Unterinntal Kufstein Brenner. 3dZug Güterwagen Verkehrspack. Elap.
- Benötigte Freeware
- None.
- Dauer (in Min.)
- 60
- Kommentar zur Änderung (nach Veröffentlichung):
- This is version 1.
REAL DRIVE advanced Wörgl - Brenner README.pdf
51,2 kB (233 Downloads) -
REAL DRIVE advanced Wörgl -
222,47 kB (630 Downloads)
Kommentare 2
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Neu erstellte Kommentare unterliegen der Moderation und werden erst sichtbar, wenn sie durch einen Moderator geprüft und freigeschaltet wurden.
Another great Real-Drive! Works perfectly in both directions and makes so much fun! Thanks a lot Kim!