TS Classic [F777] Im Koeblitzer Bergland 3.5 V3.0.1

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  • [F777] Im Koeblitzer Bergland 3.5 V3.0.1

    This patch improves environment on the wonderful Im Koeblitzer Bergland Reloaded Modified: die Rinkentalbahn route by SteuerwagenSchmiede and makes it more pleasing to the eye. I also changed rusty signal poles to newer ones in places where they do not look good with modern station infrastructure and swap tracks to EZY variants.

    I hope you enjoy my improvement and can take many amazing screenshots of your rolling stock.

    I will make this patch in stages, from several parts:

    1. Altenburg Hbf, suburban line Altenburg - Koeblitz - Koebler Wald - Bad Rinckenburg and speed line Altenburg - Bad Rinckenburg, Bad Rinckenburg Hbf. (COMPLETED)

    2. Koebler Wald - Rinckenstadt - St. Rudolf - Koeblitz loop (diesel line + part of Hosvenn - Koeblitz). (COMPLETED)

    3. Hosvenn - St. Rudolf line. (COMPLETED)

    3.5 Changes in grass and visual of the tracks (COMPLETED)

    4. Foliage rework of Bad Rinckenburg - Hoch Merzburg line, full swap of signalization with Ks and H/V K, new SFS part (WiP, other route folder)

    I have worked very hard to release the 3.0 update, I hope you enjoy it. I discovered a cool package of trees from our Czech colleagues, and also revised the approach, used to the grass. IKB 4 is in development, with a complete signal replacement and the addition of a new SFS section between Hoch Merzburg and Bad Rinckenburg. More information here: [F777]IKB4

    All scenarios should work, tracks and signalling are unaffected, all screenshot you can find on Google Drive. All requirements in the readme file.

    Thanks to SAD and SteuerwagenSchmiede for permission to work on this project

    If you want to support me and help me in my life, you can do it at the link: PayPal

    Zusätzliche Informationen

    Forza Gamer 777
    3.0.1 Release
    Benötigte Payware
    In the Readme
    Benötigte Freeware
    In the Readme


    Kommentar zur Änderung (nach Veröffentlichung):
    1.0 Release
    1.9 Koebler Wald - Rinckenstadt - St. Rudolf - Koeblitz line rework (not finished), added a lot of grass, trees and various assets.
    Beta changes:
    17.12.2023 Updated (changed trees and bushes) Rinсkenstadt and near territories
    09.02.2024 Reworked Altenburg foliage and revised some places along all reworked part of the route.
    2.0 Adjusted some areas, deleted all very old Kuju vegetation with replacements. Now it's time for branch to Hosvenn
    2.1 Edited almost all previous made territories. Lot of changes in distant vegetation. Hosvenn branch now in full development.
    25.05.24 Edited necessary addons
    3.0 An improvement of the branch line to Hosvenn station has been added, the environment along the entire route has been revised (where something has already been done), some grass objects have been changed, and edits have been made to the grass grids. Several useless requirements have been removed with the replacement of objects, and the distant vegetation has been completely rebuilt using the assets of the Konstanz - Villingen route. The route improvement near the Bad Rinckenburg station has also been slightly extended. Tracks swapped to EZY, added patch for AP weather.
    3.0 Fixed Replaced some SAD rails that were left by mistake. Also fixed grass in some places.
    3.0.1 All records of old routes that are no longer required are removed from the route files using TS Tools. Also deleted old zip archive with default Tracks.bin. It seems that TSC loads it too, which leads to the appearance of SAD rails where they have already been replaced. Added updated files to the Loft Tiles folder, they were skipped by mistake
    02.09.24 Just some changes in description.
    26.09.24 Just some changes in future plans.



Kommentare 9

  • Nothing Works. There are no Rails.I got the Scenarios from an Backup.

  • Hi ! In your last Update the Scenarios are missing !

  • Hello,

    I'm missing the following assets according to TS Tools:

    Assets\Radiomaster\objekt\scenery\vegetation\birch_01 (2).bin

    Assets\Radiomaster\objekt\scenery\vegetation\bush_02 (2).bin

    Assets\Radiomaster\objekt\scenery\vegetation\bush_04 (2).bin











    Assets\Radiomaster\objekt\scenery\vegetation\oak_01 (2).bin









    Assets\Radiomaster\objekt\scenery\vegetation\Vegetation RU\brambles1.bin

    Assets\Radiomaster\objekt\scenery\vegetation\Vegetation RU\bushes3.bin

    Assets\Radiomaster\objekt\scenery\vegetation\Vegetation RU\bushes4.bin

    Assets\Radiomaster\objekt\scenery\vegetation\Vegetation RU\bushes6_line.bin



    Radiomaster Package from this page is installed. But those are not included there.

    Can anybody help?

  • Hallo! Danke für Deine Arbeit. Leider gibt es einige Probleme: Ich habe ein Szenario von Köbler Wald weg gemacht. In Köbler Wald, Rinkenbach und Marienbrunn lassen sich die Türen nicht öffnen. In Rinkenbach fehlt der Bahnsteig, obwohl er in der Version von Steuerwagenschmiede da war. Aber auch in dieser Version gab es Probleme mit den Türen.

    Hello! Thank you for your work. Unfortunately, there are some problems: I have made a scenario of Köbler Wald away. In Köbler Wald, Rinkenbach and Marienbrunn the doors cannot be opened. In Rinkenbach, the platform is missing, although it was there in the version of Steuerwagenschmiede. But even in this version, there were problems with the doors.

  • This is wonderful, thank you so much for taking a lot of time to enhance this route for everyone.

    I am missing this scenery asset in my search in TSTools, I have no idea what it is, or, where it can be found.

    E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\RailWorks\Assets\SteuerwagenSchmiede\Objekte\Prbin (Scenery Item) on tile -000016-000009.bin

    Greetings from England.


    • It's funny, I myself do not have this object) Then we need to ask SteuerwagenSchmiede about this. This object is present initially in his work, I personally did not use this object for sure