Drive through the impressive Tauern alps on a route where you really get a sense of the heights. Experience random generated train crossings and red lights. Two drives will never be the same as the permutations of where you might be stopped (by a red signal or a train crossing) can reach into the millions. And because this is an advanced quick drive, YOU decide the train you drive, the time of day, the weather and the season.
Zusätzliche Informationen
- Autor
- Kim Olesen
- Version
- v2
- Spielerlok-/Zug
- Your choice, it's a quick drive scenario.
- Strecke
- Tauernbahn v2
- Benötigte Payware
- RSSLO Tauernbahn v2. 3dzug Güterwagen Verkehrspack.
- Benötigte Freeware
- none
- Dauer (in Min.)
- 50
- Kommentar zur Änderung (nach Veröffentlichung):
- v2. Adjusted to work around blind spots in signalscripts from RSSLO.
REAL DRIVE advanced Schwarzach st Veit - Spittal README.pdf
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REAL DRIVE advanced Schwarzach - Spittal
91,41 kB (518 Downloads)