This REAL DRIVE advanced preload set contains preloads for released and future REAL DRIVE advanced scenarios. These preloads are absolute necessary for REAL DRIVES to work.
Zusätzliche Informationen
- Autor
- Kim Olesen
- Version
- 7
- Benötigte Payware
- 3dZug Verkehrspack. ELAP.
- Benötigte Freeware
- None
- Kommentar zur Änderung (nach Veröffentlichung):
This version of this preload set is v7. Support for up and coming REAL DRIVES. More randomisation of the time a signal stays red before turning green.
- 21.07.21 In Ordner verschoben
REAL DRIVE advanced preload set
12,77 MB (830 Downloads) -
AI traffic preload set for REAL DRIVES.pdf
15,04 kB (1.091 Downloads)
Kommentare 4
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Neu erstellte Kommentare unterliegen der Moderation und werden erst sichtbar, wenn sie durch einen Moderator geprüft und freigeschaltet wurden.
Thanks for this download: I don't understand: what's in the "_MACOS" folder ?
I make the zipfile on my mac. It’s a apple file system index file. Harmless, you can just delete it. It happens when i creat the zipfile, inside the zipfile, so i have no control over it.
Hi Kim,
Nice work again!
Along with the latest improvements of Henry, it makes the route Köln- Düsseldorf a rediscovery.
Hopefully you will add some more routes with the REAL DRIVE option like: Koblenz- Trier, Hausach- Villingen, Villingen- Konstanz, Köln- Koblenz.
All up and coming