TS 2021 [Seungwan] D 1205 "Italia Express" (1996)

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Kommentare 6

  • Yoe made an mistake in the readme, not the "FS UIC-Z Coaches" are needed, but the "Intercity old v1.1 Pack" from the same side are needed.

    • Thank you for the correction. It is now fixed :)

    • Just some hints regarding the rolling material between Köln and Koblenz: no class 141, few freight trains and these mostly with class 140. The terrain is flat so 6-achsle locos are not needed. The main freight line is on the eastern bank of the river. However, a 155 left Köln-Eifeltor at 19.53 with an international freight consisting of containers and/or trailers.

      No class 143, no Dostos, only with S-Bahn 111 between Aachen and Bielefeld. 111 in o/b or orientred only with some Interregios.

      Can't run this scenario at the moment due to missing rolling stock.

    • Thank you for those helpful advices. So it seems the freight and regional traffic wasn't really crowded at that time of the year according to your descriptions?

    • That's right. The points of origin and destination of most mixed freights (heavy and slow=80kmh) were the yards of (Köln-)Gremberg in the north (near Troisdorf) and Mainz-Bischofsheim in the south. Köln-Eifeltor was a Containerterminal and these trains were fast (90-100kmh) and ran on the left bank of the Rhine. As there ran at certain times as many as 3 ICs/ICEs within a few minutes south- and northbound together with regional services, there wasn't much space for freights.

      This changed with the opening of the fast route between Köln and Frankfurt. The fast traffic on the left side decreased and some more freights were shifted to the route we have in TS.

      Danke 1
    • I see, it all make sense now. That certainly will be put into consideration for future scenarios. Thank you very much for the inputs and a little bit of history lesson :)