TS-Telemetry Version released!

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Kommentare 17

  • Zitat

    good evening, I'm building a cabin of an E464 and I'm looking for a way to recreate the SCMT, since this program has great potential, it could have an ATB panel editing mode, or in general a way to edit the various gauges and indicators? I have been looking for a way to do this for months now, but with the tools and knowledge I now have I am not able, thank you for your time and dedication!

  • Hi, great tool! Would it be possible to export the values into single txt files? That would be great for streaming purposes.

    • Hi Vidz,

      Yes that would be possible but how do you see that. A single txt file holding the values and updated every say second or a file for every value?

    • A file for every value would be nice, selectable which value should be written to a file. So i can build it into my OBS (Streamingsoftware) to show the audience.

    • This is fairly simple to realize. I will put it on the list so it can go with the next update.

  • A really great tool. Are you planning a round instrument (gauge) with two pointers?

    • Thanks,

      At the moment I am working on a new gauge configuration form. The new form will have a preview and a better interface which makes it also possible to add more types of gauges and controls. A two-pointer gauge could be one of the options.

      Regards, steam_john4

      Added some preview images to the images.

  • Very nice tool! It can be very useful for video making, so you don't need the HUD information... :)

    Do you have plans on upgrading this application for more input information? It would be cool if we could also have traction / braking effort data ( kN ) and possibly also information on the current speed limit on the route? Just wondering, of course!

    • Thanks for the compliment BRD.

      And yes, I am still developing on TS-Telemetry and will take your suggestions into account. In fact, any suggestion is welcome to improve the application. It will not always be possible to add a suggested feature because I am depending on the information supplied by the Loco’s and Train Simulator itself.

      Stay tuned, regards


    • Very good, John! Thanks for your response and I will try to keep an eye on news.

    • Hi there. Great tool. Can i suggest this? Make the ATB panel editable. To set up a working PZB panel set you really need to be able to edit at least the colours of the lights and preferably also the number of them and what is written on them.

    • Thank you, Kim

      The first idea for TS-Telemetry was to create an interface for SimHub. During development however the need for gauges within TS-Telemetry itself was growing. SimHub has of course a great gauge and panel editor and the way to add a gauge in TS-Telemetry is very basic and offers just a little few options to configurate. This is the first release but I wonder if users even use it in combination with SimHub or just only use the build in gauges. If the latter is the case a possibility would be to remove the SimHub interface and make TS-Telemetry more dedicated to Train Simulator with more editable options to configure your own gauge.

      By the way, this would be a nice question for current users of TS-Telemetry.

      How do you use TS-Telemetry at the moment, with Simhub or build in gauges?

      I will look into the possibilities and come back on it.

      Regards, Steam_john4

    • @steam_john4 sent you a pm.