![[lys] SNCB AM08 (Desiro ML) [lys] SNCB AM08 (Desiro ML)](https://rail-sim.de/forum/filebase/images/preview/db/upload-db17f9e1475c4c983174545e512ccdbac00a246e.jpg)
Dies ist ein semi-reales Repaint des ÖBB Cityjets in den Farben der SNCB.
Das Grundmodell von RSSLO ist zwingende Voraussetzung, damit das Repaint funktioniert: http://www.rsslo.com/product/desiroml-cityjet/
Verbesserungsvorschläge/Kritik einfach hier posten: Repaints von lysias93
- veränderte Kollisionsboxen
- Script- und Soundupdate von Rival aus dem rwa-Forum nun zwingend benötigt.
LG lysias93
Zusätzliche Informationen
- Autor
- lysias93
- Version
- v2.0
- Benötigte Payware
- RSSLO ÖBB Cityjet
- Benötigte Freeware
- -
SNCB AM08 .7z
20,26 MB (4.318 Downloads) -
SNCB AM08 .pdf
340,29 kB (1.859 Downloads)
Kommentare 4
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Neu erstellte Kommentare unterliegen der Moderation und werden erst sichtbar, wenn sie durch einen Moderator geprüft und freigeschaltet wurden.
Hello, I hope you are well.
I just installed the pack. However, when I start the game, the train loads correctly but I can't start it... .
All displays are already on but I can't start the process with "SHIFT+B". Do you know where this can come from?
I have followed the document for the installation.
Thank you very much in advance for your help.
Best regards,
Hi ! The repaint does not work for me. I have too much light, and I can't use the train. I can't even start it.
Annoying, after having paid 19.99€ to use it on the LDSO map.
I put all the Assets ask...
Can someone help me?
Thank you
Hello @Vlatinn,
- In order to let the Re-Paint work, you must have the RSSLO ÖBB CityJet. -
Then install the .RWP file with 'UTILITIES.EXE'.
If you did that you must copy 5 files (Desiro_ML_A / Desiro_ML_B / Desiro_ML_C / OBB_Desiro_M_Inside_A / Test.GeoPcDx) from ...\RailWorks\Assets\RSSLO\Desiro Ml\RailVehicles\Engine\CityJet to ...\RailWorks\Assets\RSSLO\Desiro Ml\RailVehicles\Engine\SNCB AM08.
- How Do You Drive The Train? -
Read the manual that you can find here: ...\RailWorks\Manuals\EN\OBB CityJet EN.pdf
Go to the tap 2.4. Start-Up procedure and you follow the instructions to drive
I hope for you this will work
dj bahn
super klasse thank you