Good morning it is impossible to download from trainsim, the downloads are hung and break when you already have 30 seconds of download and you fail, you have a problem. I do not think that of the thousand downloads that there are any have it complete, check the download space, I already tried it more than 40 times and all my downloads are interrupted when I have seconds left to finish.
Beiträge von analuisa
The download stopped at 39%
imposible de descargar, la descarga está rota.
Ya estoy registrada
with me it doesn't work either, corrupt download.
Good morning, is there any proposal of the release date? good work thank you.
Thanks a lot.
program to go from trainz to rw that is free?
just at the passof an area, ubeda station.
install and re-istalar yes, I'll do a cache integrity
Spanish route, linares-ojanco.
No, SweetFX, RW Enhancer
Good night, I have dark screens, attached photos, any help?
Good afternoon, I'm testing as you told me, but nowhere to start, I would be so kind to explain it step by step, sorry for the inconvenience, thank you very much.
Thanks a lot
Good afternoon, how could I put the passenger view of a wagon, which would be in another carriage?
Variante 2
Buenas noches, esta tensión es diferente de la principal, ¿son dos rutas diferentes o las dos están unidas en una? Tengo la ruta comprada en rv, si compro esta extensión no habrá ningún problema?