Beiträge von kiski

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    No problem with czech language, I understand clearly :) Btw, just to make things easier for me, I prefer to write here in english, if that´s ok with you guys. Hope you don´t mind. It wouldn´t be very smart to translate every post via Google translator, time is precious :)

    Hi, german railroaders, I have enabled PayPal payment method on my eshop. Unfortunately, it supports only standard paypal payment methods, not GooglePay or ApplePay. You can use Comgate payment gateway for those two. I will try to find a way how to enable them on PayPal, too, but it takes time. So far I guess normal PayPal is still better than no PayPal at all :)

    Cheers :)

    Hallo zusammen,

    Da ich kein Deutsch spreche, wird der Text mit Google Translate übersetzt. Ich bin der Autor der Lokomotive E499.3 ČSD. Lassen Sie mich etwas zu den Zahlungsmethoden sagen.

    Ich hatte PayPal aktiviert, aber die PayPal-Richtlinien machen mich wütend. Bisher können sie mein verdientes Geld nicht auf mein Geschäftskonto überweisen. Da ich dies nicht akzeptiere, habe ich diese Zahlungsmethode deaktiviert.

    Im Gegenzug habe ich Zahlungen mit GooglePay und ApplePay aktiviert, die zuvor nicht aktiviert waren. Wenn jemand Interesse an der Lokomotive hat, würde ich Sie bitten, eine dieser Methoden zur Überprüfung der Funktionalität zu verwenden.

    Vielen Dank für Ihr Verständnis.

    P.S.: ein kleiner Vorgeschmack auf die Lokomotive 372 der ČSD. Es gibt noch viel zu tun an der Lokomotive...

    Well, I tried to put this code (a sort of...) into Update block in engine script, of course with proper control state (namely: GetControlValue, VZOff, 0) and wanted to detect state TRUE. Nothing happens... 8|

    Perhaps I´m dumb, but I still don´t get it, hehe :whistling::wacko:

    Can you write me a short imaginary script section with handling these message boxes according to, let´s say, an imagnary control state? Just as a guide. It would be the best. Thx.

    Ok, thanks a lot. But I still don´t get it. What are you trying to say is that every scenario I play with E03 has a script assigned in order to make these message syscalls work? It would mean that E03 comes with a custom scenario script that is copied to or extend already existing scenario scripts in all routes? Isn´t that crazy?? :D
    Or how it works then??

    Hi all,

    I´m new here, so first, let me introduce myself - I´m an active member of CS/SK Railworks community, and I´m creator of CS class 141, ex. E499 class, called "Bobina".

    Forgive me if my question is answered somwhere in the forum. I was looking everywhere, but I haven´t found what I´m looking for, yet...

    Ok, here it is - would be someone so kind and describe me how to make the engine script show a custom message, when e.g. some switch is activated? Same way like OBB 1144 has, or vR E03, etc... I mean that small message box which pops up in upper right corner when some event occurs - as I said, when some switch is activated, or panto is raised...
    A short script will do, or just code pasted here, directly in forum.

    I would be very thankful.

    I ´ve been searching for some clues on the internet, but I haven´t found a thing... :(


    P.S.: sorry for my english, not a native speaker