Beiträge von willele

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    Thanks but i am not able to use 3d programs, I think that the graphics of the cabin and the sounds used in Zusi 3 are good ones, I think dtg should upgrade because the German and world users who like ice trains are many. by

    yes i can. thanks

    okay I want to say that I think you Germans enthusiasts railwork you can take back and update these your beautiful trains in the layout of the cabin and the sounds of the train because dtg made them four years ago and no longer touched him. thank you

    Ich denke, man Fans von railwork können Sie zurücknehmen und aktualisieren, damit diese Ihre schönen Züge

    yes i can speak english
    okay I want to say that I think you Germans enthusiasts railwork you can take back and update these your beautiful trains in the layout of the cabin and the sounds of the train because dtg made them four years ago and no longer touched him. thank you

    Es tut mir leid, dass Sie werden nicht aktualisiert, diese Züge denken DTG, dass seit ihrer Veröffentlichung vier Jahre her ist!!
    mit google tranlate

    Many thank ,you can find at this :

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