I love vR locomotives, and am slowly building up my collection of them,
There is currently a -pro-line- sale on by DoveTail : https://store.dovetailgames.com/uk/ProRangeSale and they have a few vR locomotives for sale on there, so i bought a couple...
The BR 112.1 installs into a different folder than the usual 'VirtualRailroads' folder, and is in a folder called 'vR_Steam_ProLine'
So i am wondering how different the steam version of this loco is compared to the one sold by vR themselves,
The easiest thing i can think of is the 'Scripts' folder, all my other vR locomotives have a 'modules' and 'Config' folder in there, the steam version doesnt... this is what the steam version of the vR BR 112.1 VRot looks like:
Can someone who owns the vR bought version of this locomotive check their Scripts folder and tell me if it's different to mine please?
Also, does anyone know the differences between the vR bought and steam bough versions,
As the steam version of the vR BR 103 TEE is totally different to the genuine vR version DO NOT BUY THE vR_BR_103_TEE FROM DOVETAILGAMES THINKING IT IS THE EXPERT LINE VERSION, IT IS NOT....
Basically i am wondering if i should buy the genuine vR version of the 112.1 sometime, probably have to wait for the christmas sale.