Beiträge von gazz

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    I love vR locomotives, and am slowly building up my collection of them,

    There is currently a -pro-line- sale on by DoveTail : and they have a few vR locomotives for sale on there, so i bought a couple...

    The BR 112.1 installs into a different folder than the usual 'VirtualRailroads' folder, and is in a folder called 'vR_Steam_ProLine'

    So i am wondering how different the steam version of this loco is compared to the one sold by vR themselves,

    The easiest thing i can think of is the 'Scripts' folder, all my other vR locomotives have a 'modules' and 'Config' folder in there, the steam version doesnt... this is what the steam version of the vR BR 112.1 VRot looks like:

    Can someone who owns the vR bought version of this locomotive check their Scripts folder and tell me if it's different to mine please?

    Also, does anyone know the differences between the vR bought and steam bough versions,
    As the steam version of the vR BR 103 TEE is totally different to the genuine vR version DO NOT BUY THE vR_BR_103_TEE FROM DOVETAILGAMES THINKING IT IS THE EXPERT LINE VERSION, IT IS NOT....

    Basically i am wondering if i should buy the genuine vR version of the 112.1 sometime, probably have to wait for the christmas sale.

    Can someone tell me if there is a sound mod to replace what i think are the stock brake squeal sound on the old kuju locomotives and possibly wagons?

    This is what i mean...

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    A lot of scenarios seem to use the locomotives and possibly wagons that have those annoying sounds present, and i'd like to get rid of them if possible and replace them with a more realistic sound...

    It's horrible driving along in a nice vR expert line train, especially with a "linusf" sound mod applied to it, and having ai trains pass me making that annoying sound for ages.

    Sorry, another question that is probably not possible to answer easilly,

    I like to drive only the vR expert line trains i have, and i'm working through changing the trains in all my scenarios to be the vR ones,
    i only have a few vR trains so far, but plan to add more:

    • E03
    • BR103
    • BR110 with BNrbdzf Wittenberger Steurwagen
    • BR111 with Bxf, BDnrzf 740 and BDnrzf 761 dosto steuerwagens
    • BR 120 with BPmbdzf Steuerwagen.

    These locos and steuerwagens span quite a few years from them being rendered and programmed, and hence they have slightly different key assignments between them... i am working on changing that by editing the inputmapper files, so things like main switch is Z on all loco's.. and not ctrl - Z as on some.. also some toggle the switch.. so hold the button down too long and it rapidly cycles on and off... i can change that by giving the switch a 'increasecontrolstart' and 'decreasecontrolstart' .... 'increasecontrolstop' and 'decreasecontrolstop' codes.. so Z turns it on, CTRL - Z turns it off.

    But more importiantly, they also have different features... i.e. the BR 111 being the most basic.. startup is turn ZWS on if in the steuerwagen, raise pantograph (and they cycle panto's on each press of the panto comand), turn on main switch, drive.

    To the BR 120.. where you turn on the battery, turn on ZWS, brake lever in one position, start compressor, select panto, raise panto (with reverser in correct positions) brake lever to different position, then main switch on and your set to go.

    Does anyone know if it's possible to update the older loco's to have the newer ones features? i.e. battery, selectable panto's, compressor and so on.

    i would happily pay for an update from vR... but i don't think they update them, they work on new ones to release only it seems. so it looks like i will have to try and move/write the relevent features into the older locos... if that is possible.

    Again, i apologise for my questions, if i can offer an excuse, i am on the autistic spectrum, and this is my current obscession.. well it has been for many years, just real life keeps getting in the way of playing at driving virtual trains :)

    Here is my main project, in storage at the moment...

    I'm cool with the response i got... to most people having to use the mouse is not a problem, as they probably use it to control some of the loco controls anyway, and likely to look around the cab... i have altered the cab camera views to show all the gauges, lights etc needed to see when driving the trains tho.

    i'm just weird that i am building my own simulator style set ups using real controls and going for total immersion... i know there are major limitation in the base game, and maybe Zusi would be better for me, but i have spent money on train simulator, so want ti keep using that.

    the 's bahn driver' control unit shown, i use when in bed, sat on an over bed table (i have disabilities, and i am stuck in bed a lot sometimes)

    i made that item from scratch ... the power / brake lever i made from of a disc of aluminum and some delrin on the lathe, the top was laser cut at my local hackspace, the switches are real ones from german train / trams, i had some spare from my main control desk as i got extra's when i bought the wittenberger steuerwagens driving desk.
    It is rall working using an arduino for the levers potentiometers, (the reversing switch is seen as a lever in this game, so had a potentiometer under it), and a minimus usb board running KADE works all the buttons... and the 'raildriver joystick interface' program allows it to operate the in game controls.... all except the 'close instruction window button of course' :p

    i only wish i had made an extra lever for brakes, but when i made that i was going through a phase of driving mostly multiple units of the 42x series.

    i have another simulator set up for Omsi .. with a MAN NG272 bus dashboard, steering wheel, IBIS, almex ticket machine, paytable and coin changer... all connected to the computer

    There was a problem there too... the mouse was needed to 'take the customers money' as there was no key press for that... but it was fixed when omsi2 came out, and keys were assigned to those tasks as it needed to be hard coded in the games program.

    Well, i start the scenario using the mouse... but then i like to drive using the control desk, i don't need to use the mouse for anything except to close the instruction and fault windows,

    i have the real driving desk from a BR111 wittenberget steuerwagen that i am slowly converting the controls to work with the computer, i am going for the total imersion feeling.. as i i am really driving a train, and having to use a mouse to click away those windows kind of ruins it :)

    Does anyone know if it's possible to assign a key to the window?

    I mean the 'X' in the top right of the message that pops up giving instructions, faults and so on .. circled in the photo below:

    I like to drive using my control panel :

    And hence don't want to have to use the mouse, as i have almost every control i need to use assigned to a lever or joystick button, and i can assign keyboard keypresses too in the arduino that is inside my control panel... but i can't seem to find a 'close menu / message' key stroke in the game.

    I have bought some more vR products, including the BR103 that included some Bimz and Amiz coaches, so use them now,

    but i wish i knew what other coaches worked with the vR door closing system, as i had some before i re-installed train simulator

    i am changing the scenarios in most of my routes to use the few virtual railroads expert lines loco's i have (BR 120 and 110)

    i like having the door control funtion (shift - T to close the doors, with the light in the MFA going out when the doors are locked) but i only have 2 sets of coaches from vR, and i would like some variety.

    i was playing with swapping coaches a few weeks ago, and discovered there was a set that worked with the vR tav, but i can not remember who made them... they came with one of the routes is all i know, they were not vR coaches, they were of the Aimz / Bimz type i believe.

    Can anyone reccomend some coaches that work with the TAV system that are provided by routes?

    I've just got back to TS2018, and I'm using the Altenburg - wildau V3 route, it's amazing and lovely to drive,

    Except i am missing some parts for it,

    I can not see where to download signal bridge, station and railway works objects of rschally

    I think this is why i am missing some signal gantries and get floating signals:

    I have a short list of tunnel missing, and I notice the catenary wires are missing in short sections too,

    Is it possible to tell me where i need to download the parts i am missing from please, as searhing google has not found what i need.