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    Indeed, bugs are not that big how people bring it here some times , there are currently no show stopping bugs reported or found in 1.1 version.

    I ask a little patient , I’m currently work on a small project which is delayed for 2 months because I spend it all on the 146.5. This project need to be finished first than I can focus again on improvements for version 1.2 . I’m looking into end of the week or somewhere next week starting on it.


    LZB B is not active, it go on and off, i straight tested here and it works fine.

    and on this moment i dont have a nice soundloop yet from a longer LZB Snare sound.

    Fern light is also inside the loco, in 2 settings. bright and full bright.

    some key mappings are binded different, straight to the main controls , some cabin levers controlled by mouse have a multi function which are working over script because they can do more. so yes some doesnt show animation when press key board keys.

    Capricorn Found this also during test time, allready fixed.

    We released Update version 1-1, Check the Readme for latest changes.

    Redownload the product from your Railtraction account, Uninstall first the 1-0 to avoid issues, than install the latest 1-1.

    indeed Suwex, i made a little fault with forgeting to map that Plane to correct uv place 8) indeed fixed, also because many planes are over each other placed, dont see that direct in 3dmax

    Thank you Stefan to look into it and let me know.

    As part of the slow down with LZB/AFP, you have 1. Most engine have 0. 1 make the engine wait 1 second before breaking. This can be a cause of too late braking and overspeed. This can depend on yout engine script but I directly check this value when I noticed engine wait before enaging dynamic brake.

    the dynamic brake is completely driven over LUA, same as normal brakes and regulator ! with an Delay in it which is controlled by a function which calculate the user his FPS in realtime over interval to avoid different changing speeds, on this way im able to give same predictable results on 20fps vs 60 /100 Fps. AFB brake require more time to improve. should be done in AFB module itself, and speed up the system a little. one second delay doesnt do a big difference on brake apply/release, it can slightly improve to run over a 0 delay.

    Please check below what is currently already around the clock for 1-1 ! Not online yet! I run an internal test now on the bugs and check if it’s really fixed . currently in version 1.0.5

    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Changelog 1-1 /////////////////

    Added: Phantograph inputmapper Key: P

    Added: Handbrake input mapper Key: / (Slash)

    Added: Extra preload for single locomotive, also added a couple of extra guids.

    Added: lua Call for B Symbol(disapear now when pzb/LZB switch off) instead of always on .

    Added: Extra lua condition check on syscall messages, now when loco is not driven messages are blocked, also block on initialize.

    Bug: Missing 0 value in the brake dial.(Brake dial now turn back to 0 when train stand still)

    Bug: extra condition on LZB to monitor incomming PZB messages when locomotive enter in LZBEnd program.

    Bug: Preload placement work again after a small fix in our lua script (regarding Null reference).

    Change: Sound curve for motor sound, slightly changed the traction curve , traction sound levels increase earlier by Kilonewton.

    Change: sound curve motor sound vs speed, sound volume increase now a little earlier.

    change: 6 motor steps decibels increased to aproxx -12db , and low level decreased.

    Change: zugart messages, should be more clear to understand now when switch to other zugart/ pzb modus.

    Change: AFB key mapping from: K to Shift+A

    Change: Sifa only activate when train stand still include reverser in position M.

    Change: PZB only activate when train stand still include reverser in position M.

    Change: LZB Signal blocker only activate when train stand still include reverser in position M.

    Change: Regulator, digital sensitivity decreased.

    Change: AFB SpeedSet, digital sensitivity Increased.

    Change: Darker Wheel texture include more contrast in wheel details.

    Extended: manual

    Under investigation: AFB brake power, require more time to optimize

    under your message i was writing a update,


    After a full debug round trough every function in lua i came on a part where i received a Null Reference on a Call to the core GetSpeed, This is solved and i can place the preload again without issues,

    Dont ask me why this problem excist, placing manually the loco do exactly the same as when place by preload, manual work correctly. place by preload it go stuck /crash on a lua Call.

    so i cant explain exactly what happen in TSC but it is atleast solved.


    What i can tell is that there is nothing wrong with the preload itself, it also cant create many issues as this blueprints self doesnt do allot.

    Yes im able to reproduce the exact same problem when i try to place the preload. but im unable to find where this problem come from, i dont see anything unusual trough logmate , only thing what i can trace for now is that TSC crach near the particle manager when i have windbg online.

    After this i tried to place everything manual what is part of the preload consist, this work fine here. (question is here than where is this crash comming from? if it is my loco than i also expect to get some problems with manual placing, or ingame,or in quickdrive. this isnt the case.

    than i start to run the quickdrive and use this preload , works also fine.

    Railtraction Would it be possible to make the power lever of the animation a little slower and the AFB just a little faster?

    Yes sure I can look into that, this should be possible.

    DonMattheo ,

    Thank you for your understanding. Ofcourse I understand that I can’t make everybody happy, especially with the newer simulators in the background which also increase a little bit the expectations in TSC. I think some times it is a little forgotten how much time this work can eat, a big wish for the community was a better RT LZB, i did spend extra time on that and even rebuild it completely. And if I’m happy with that LZB I will reuse it in other addons, for this I still take time to follow the results.


    Thank you for your feedback, it only doesn’t help us much forward here, you give a point and don’t provide exact details what is missing. Ofcourse I like to ask than for more info which I will use to do bug fixing on.

    First of all which PZB sound is missing for you?. The guys in our beta team are real train drivers and they didn’t discovered a missing sound. So I’m curious to know what you missing. So we can look into that.

    You give an example of the headlights which are mixed for you? What is exactly mixed for you, both switches are correct , they do what the real train do and I didn’t find it in any other train correct like this which you mentioned.

    Driver switch from cab when you turn into driving directions, code is 10 years the same. Something what is included already for 10 years in my addons .

    Auto numbering? I never used this for a couple of numbers, and I will for sure never use it in TSC. TSW is another story. How much times users look into a couple of numbers which change ? I use the auto numbering for something more interesting, the destination signs, and a scenario creator use this to make a train setup with driver position and the right destination. And I use this because it’s also very user friendly for a beginner scenario creator to fill in a train number and go :)

    You come here with an example about the selling price, I can only say, my opinion. You received a fair price for 6 months of development time where 3 months long was daily full time working this was moste time 6 days per week. include one student graduated his software education on this addon. To compare and give you some sort of comparable information with my working speed .the basic DTG TSC trains which run probably some where on one of your routes (not made by me) Im able to finish in one month to a final product. There is really allot in this locomotive and it contain also the moste code amount I ever released in a addon, there is much more going on there inside. And every part is made by one person , and many thanks to the people which help me in their free time with beta testing and guide me forward.

    I’m looking forward to receive detailed info so we can look into it and improve on this br146-5 addon if possible. Thanks in advance for your help.

    Please do not edit the sensitivity from the controls when you gonna upload mods for others( if you like to hold that edits personal than fine for me), this can lead in some situations to Failures in combination with low FPS for some users with a slower pc, they come at the end to us on our support desk.

    As example the Brake levers, this is a very tricky system, how it work in this stage with push pull and track back system. When this become to fast it become also very sensitive to lose the follow function, there is a very small margin in it, when the speed come to fast as example from key press the follow function need a much bigger margin, otherwise the lever cant stick back in the same notch anymore. This is tested on multiple FPS amounts which give in this stage a general good expectable result.

    Second thing: the Blueprints contain on this moment Development Controls which i use to Do bug tracking for the safety functions. When users gonna change things it can lead in a complete broken train, also after future patches some controls will disapear which will lead in missmatch.

    Please Have a little patients, with uploading and releasing inputmappers, report your wishes to us and we check into it! I will launch this evening or tomorrow internal release version 1-1 to our beta testers. If that is oké i launch it in the store.

    till now there is no show stopping bug reported , almost everything is controllable by cabin control or hud. switch zugart also work, switch on pzb and use control+8 , hold the button combination till pzb symbol switch to next zugart, and release. There is on the zugart U one issue with the uv mapping which is internal already solved, you see 40 instead of blue 55 .

    Vielen Dank! Falls auf Zugart M geschaltet werden kann, bitte mal schauen, ob es das gelbe Textbanner fuer Ueberwachung von 35 km/h gibt. (braucht man fuer 500 Hz Beeinflussungen in Zugart M) . Ich baue mir in solche Loks gerne meine PZB/LZB ein, aber bin dann sehr enttaeuscht wenn die Lokbauer wie RT und RSSLo nur Textbanner fuer 25, 45, 55, 70, 85 km/h einbauen und 35 km/h vergessen! Das Banner fuer 40km/h (Befehl) vergessen alle!
    Ich will mir die Lok nur kaufen, wenn es wenigstens das 35km/h Textbanner gibt (PZB ist mir wichtig)

    All Text lits are inside 25 till 85 i didnt forget.

    which button you mean ? Tractionlock is a push and auto release button, as the road runner need to be able to do double push action in a short time.

    As I explained before, on the video the locomotive run over 1000 hz speed check magnets, this signal come into the locomotive, long story short I know exactly what happen there and will be fixed in version 1.1. I sadly didn’t run into this exact situation in my months development time.

    When you roll and AFB is activated the locomotive activate AFB halte Bremse.

    We deactivated the traction lever by default( some customers didn’t like it, and some do, if you wish to drive with it , activate it. Key board key E unlock te lever than you can move it to traction setting.

    Activate it with Shift+5 you receive a message when it’s activated.

    SÜWEX the zwangsbremsung which you received there come outside the speed check which run in our brake curve. Fair to say, I didn’t had this situation in my test runs, one of the beta guys reported this exact same part from the route today under our release, its solved in our upcoming patch.

    failures can be dropped on our official email. on this way im able to collect and place everything on a row in a note list, reading miles of forum cost allot of time and it help me allot to work efficient.

    Im sorry , im from the Netherlands, i can understand German in speaking like allot of Dutch people, i can talk it back, im not able to write it. and if i try i will probably write in 5 year old language style :D

    I come here to inspect some of the wishes and answer them, i did avoid for many years forums because reasons like this. If my english is a problem, than no problem , report my post to the moderators which will tell me at the end if its oke or not. Atleast feel free to contact and email Railtraction in the German language( no problem i always will do my best to understand you, i will respond in English, if you Wish i can also respond in my own language Dutch.

    by the way, some small update on Facebook:

    (1) Facebook

    You can always mail us on Thank you allot .

    I need to say that I always want to receive bugs etc on our official channels, it’s very difficult to follow daily forums, it cost allot of time. to organise many postal. I prefer to spend forum time on freeware developers to help them with knowledge on forums. Ofcourse I follow a little and pick it up online as far as I can. I’m just a one man company and don’t have a full team.

    And many things are discussed here but why people don’t report to us. Feel free to drop us a mail or Facebook message.

    We do our best, we are currently in the part from the ende part which is according the Deutsche bahn manuals now, today I did final test on the situation when a Halt come into our end path. Looks like it work as expected now and will provide beta guys the new version asap, and now it start ende when signal come in green in our path, tomorrow I will launch the big test on the speed signs, we want to get our brake curves handle the speed sign and than startup ende program. And we do this in a distance from 1700 meters, on some parts minus 50 meter to get the point, when we come into a minus 50 there come a opportunity to release the pzb when cross a combined signal etc.. Because we have a bunch of different situations I expect some issues which we will miss , I hope to find moste and I’m sure when the big mass come into the locomotive we need some patch to improve. Because the mass will find everything at the end . Report us in that situation with small videos and we will solve and search.